The cavalry around Zhang Fei shouted loudly, ready to fight the Xianbei people hand to hand.

It's a pity that Zhang Fei is so arrogant, how can he let his subordinates protect him?

"Step aside!"

Zhang Fei roared: "I'm going to kill these bastards myself, and let them know how powerful I am!"

His eyes were full of killing intent, excitement, and of course anger.

Seeing Zhang Fei rushing over alone, Tuoba Hu immediately smiled.

"I didn't expect the Han people to be so brave. What right do they have to laugh at us?"

"Haha, he actually wants to deal with so many of us by himself, naive!"

The mocking voice echoed in his ears, and Zhang Fei swung his spear, sweeping dozens of people to death.


Barking strangely again, they rushed into the enemy's formation. The Xianbei people are like chickens and dogs, and they have no enemy.

Zhang Fei felt as if he had entered the land of no one.

Everyone gathered around, trying to protect Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei dismissed his subordinates, stood coldly on the spot, holding a snake spear in his hand, and looked at the Xianbei people who surrounded him with disdain,

"You only have this little force, which is not enough for me to kill. Just relying on this little man, you want to capture me alive?"

Zhang Fei's ridicule worked, and Tuoba Hu became angry!

In the moment just now, Tuobahu also realized that Zhang Fei's bravery is indeed a rare and peerless warrior, and he is not far behind the number one warrior in Xianbei.

"Go! Add another thousand sheep!"

The Xianbei people finally approached Zhang Fei, and a Xianbei leader yelled, ready to attack.

However, before he raised his weapon, Zhang Fei on the opposite side shouted loudly.


Just one word shocked the head of Xianbei, and he slowed down by a step, and was picked and killed by Zhang Fei.

"With such little ability, you still want to provoke me? Is life not important?"

Facing the enemy, Zhang Fei was not merciful, and swiped the snake spear in his hand, knocking the heads of a row of Xianbei soldiers close to him.

The other Xianbei soldiers who saw this scene were immediately shocked, and the pace of the fastest Xianbei soldiers slowed down immediately, but the ones behind continued to rush forward and push them up.

It's like delivering food.

Nine hundredth Chapter 16 interception


Guan Yu also killed, with a light wave of the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

The Xianbei soldier who had been amputated at the waist was still alive, and when he fell to the ground, he couldn't help screaming miserably.

The leader of Xianbei who was in charge of stopping was pale with fright, but at this point, no one could retreat, and could only continue to order the soldiers to rush up.

"We have many people, don't be afraid!"

When the other Xianbei soldiers heard this, their frightened hearts were temporarily relieved.

Seeing that Guan Yu was no longer so afraid, the morale that had been hit just now recovered immediately.


The Xianbei soldiers who recovered their morale continued to attack.

"bring it on!"

Guan Yu simply spit out two words, brandishing the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and the surrounding Xianbei screamed again and again.

Most of Xianbei's weapons are ordinary scimitars and spears, while Guan Yu's broadsword is forged from fine steel, which takes advantage of it.

Often Xianbei people were cut by Guan Yu before they got close.

Circle after circle of enemies screamed and fell, circle after circle of enemies rushed forward, and then fell down again.

"It's only when you move your muscles and bones that you are so useless?"

"No matter how much waste there is, there is no need to be afraid!"

Facing Guan Yu's ridicule, the leader of Xianbei was helpless.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei slaughtered the Quartet in the Xianbei royal court.

Tuoba arc frowned, if they were allowed to kill like this, their morale might be lost.

This is a street fight, and we can't take advantage of the number of people.

"Retreat, exit the royal court."

The strength of Xianbei lies in the cavalry, as it is now, it can't exert its advantage at all.

That being the case, it is useless to stay here.

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