Xie Guini was stunned. Seeing Liu Ke's modest attitude, he bowed to salute and stood up.

It was hard being a prisoner.

Especially Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others stood by and stared at Xie Guini, staring straight at Xie Guini, with hungry wolves in their eyes, wishing they could swallow Xie Guini alive.

This made Xieguini feel intimidated.

He no longer had the posture of a Xianbei nobleman, and even a little bit of pride disappeared, replaced by slightly pale cheeks.

He looked at Liu Ke pleadingly, his eyes were in a trance, and his expression was disturbed.

Liu Ke didn't speak, and Xie Guini was even more worried.

"My lord, I have something to say."

Just when the atmosphere was awkward, Zhuge Liang spoke with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing that someone took the initiative to break the deadlock, Xie Guini glanced at Zhuge Liang gratefully.

Zhuge Liang smiled back, he was handsome and gentle, Xie Guini thought that he was not a ruthless person, but he expressed goodwill, he should be interceding for him, and his heart was full of hope.

"Kong Ming, you are my confidant, and you still need to be so scrupulous? Say something if you have something to say." Liu Ke said calmly.

When Xie Guini heard it, he was overjoyed.

Dongyanghou's words are so casual, the young man named "Kong Ming" must have a high status in Dongyanghou's heart.

Wouldn't the effect be better if Kong Ming was in love with him?

"My lord, please kill and let Gui Ni be punished, so as to make an example to others."

Zhuge Liang squinted his eyes slightly, with a faint smile on his face, but Xie Guini's body froze and he felt cold all over.

There is such a person with a human face and a beast heart in the world?

It's unimaginable to let go of the mud!

Why is his fate so upside down?

In the first half of his life, he was a second-generation ancestor, domineering in the tribe.

But after his father Fu Luohan was brutally attacked and killed by Ke Bineng, everything changed.

In order to survive, he had to turn to Ke Bineng, who killed his father and enemy!

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Ke Bi Neng insisted on going south, but he couldn't stand the test and was defeated one after another.

Later, there was a conflict with Budugen.

When his uncle Bu Dugen played the emotional card to solicit, Xie Guini agreed without thinking deeply.

I thought I could get rid of Ke Bineng and live a happy life.Kebi Neng got the news from nowhere, arrested him, and attacked Budugen's army.

The uncle I just met is gone!

Finally, the Han army came and took Ke Bineng away, and he fell into the hands of the Han army again.

The experience of Xieguini can be described as extremely bumpy!

It's all right now, even the Han army doesn't like him and wants to kill him.

Xie Guini opened her mouth slightly, and the light on her face faded away.At this moment, he felt as if he had fallen into hell, and felt that he was about to collapse.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

As soon as Liu Ke was about to open his mouth, Xie Guini made a smart move. He didn't know where the wisdom came from, and said desperately:

"Xieguini is willing to surrender, willing to surrender! As long as the Marquis of Dongyang spares my life, I am willing to submit to you, and I am willing to offer beauties, money, and bow down to you!"

Xie Guini was afraid of being killed, so she kowtowed and begged for mercy with snot and tears.

"Seeing how sincere you are, I will spare your life." Liu Ke said.

When Xie Guini heard Liu Ke's words, she was immediately elated, and regardless of the injury on her forehead, she kowtowed a few more times.

Zhuge Liang motioned to Dian Wei again, Dian Wei took a step forward and said:

"Brother, the Xianbei people burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes. If you can't punish them, I'm afraid it will be bad for your prestige."

Xie Guini's heart was once again raised in his throat, and this big man actually called Dongyanghou "brother", and the relationship was obviously closer.

But he actually wanted his own life...

Xie Guini quickly kowtowed and said, "Dongyanghou, I was coerced by Ke Bi Neng, and absolutely did not intend to harm the Han people. If this happens in the future, I will end his life myself without Dongyanghou!"

After such intimidation by Zhuge Liang and Dian Wei, Liu Ke didn't need to say anything about recruiting, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Remember what you said today." Liu Ke said.

Xie Guini was a little confused, but still nodded desperately.

"From now on, the general will definitely listen to Dongyang Hou's orders."

Liu Ke nodded in response. Next, he still needs to make some arrangements to completely complete the rule of the Northland.

Yanmen Pass is an important pass located in the Great Wall. It is famous for its danger and is known as the first pass in China.

Nearly fifty miles north of the pass is Mayi.

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