Liu Ke asked Emperor Xian to go out of the city to meet him, but Cao Cao declined because of the reason that no king goes out of the city to meet his ministers.

Cao Cao asked Liu Ke to enter the pass for an audience, but Liu Ke directly refused.

Just kidding, how could Liu Ke fall for such an obvious strategy.

In recent days, it has become suddenly quiet, Cao Cao is not used to it.

"Zhongda, what do you think Marquis Dongyang is doing?"

Sima Yi looked helpless, lacking the necessary information, even if he is a god, he can't figure it out.

"My lord, no matter what Dongyanghou does, it's definitely not good for us. With Dongyanghou's impatience, he will definitely not wait for the turning point to come, he will definitely create opportunities by himself!"

What you say makes sense, but it can't improve the current situation!

Cao Cao was a little impatient, he had to be anxious!

The problem in the north has been solved, and then he will face Liu Ke alone, can he not panic?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh.

"Send more scouts and pay close attention to Mayi."

That's all.

Now the alliance in the Central Plains is in a half-broken state, and Yu Jin has been kicked out long ago, so it is difficult for Cao Cao to get news.

However, as there are more and more alien races around Mayi, fools can see the problem.

Cao Cao eagerly discussed countermeasures with Sima Yi again.

"Didn't Marquis Dongyang dislike foreigners? How could he hook up with them?"

This is a good question, but I don't know how to answer it!

"The Marquis of Dongyang believes in a race that is not my own, so his heart must be different. But now he is summoning other races, probably to deal with the lord!" Sima Yi said.


Cao Cao's mind seemed to explode, is that okay?

A Marquis of Dongyang made him suffer unspeakably, and with the addition of a foreign race, would he still survive?

"Is there any way to stop Dongyanghou?"

Sima Yi thought for a while, and said: "There is still a way. Isn't Dongyanghou going to become king by defeating a million Xianbei? Now that he is colluding with Xianbei, he can use this matter to blow Dongyanghou's prestige. If he is lucky , can also destroy Dongyang Hou’s title of king.”

"Okay, let's do this!" Cao Cao clapped his hands.

However, before Cao Cao's rumors spread, Ma Yi took the lead in making a statement.

Xie Guini, the leader of Xianbei, Huchuquan, the leader of the Huns, and Diqi, the leader of Wuhuan, went to Mayi, expressed their willingness to submit to the Han court, and invited Emperor Xian to go to Mayi to preside over it.

This is definitely a bolt from the blue!

Cao Cao was so frightened by thunder.

Dongyang Hou actually did such a thing silently, and even invited Emperor Xian to watch the ceremony!

Could it be that Marquis Dongyang is going to attack Emperor Xian?Why so tireless?

Emperor Xian must not go!

However, if Emperor Xian did not go, Liu Ke would of course become the supreme leader, and would replace the imperial court and sign an alliance with Beidi.

It is a substitute, not a representative!

This means that Liu Ke unified the northern peoples.

How does Cao Cao still play this game?

"Damn it! Marquis Dongyang deceives people too much!"

Cao Cao roared, venting his dissatisfaction.

"King Wei, you can give the general an imperial decree. The general is willing to go to Mayi. No matter what, he will destroy the good things of Dongyanghou!" Yu Jin volunteered.

"What's the use of an imperial decree? Even if I give you all kinds of decrees, the Marquis of Dongyang will not pay attention to you unless I go there in person, or Emperor Xian comes in person." Cao Cao said helplessly.

Emperor Xian can't go, and Cao Cao won't take risks because of it!

We are now in a critical period of struggle, if we make a wrong step, we will be lost forever.

Liu Ke united the three clans, and Cao Cao fell into a passive state instantly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke looked at Nengchen Di, whose face instantly turned pale.

Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and Nengchendi's back was completely wet.

"Dongyanghou, the last general is willing to surrender, command the Wuhuan tribe, and fight for you forever!"

Dian Wei stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Brother, we know the nature of the Wuhuan people very well. They are reneging on what they promise and have no faith at all. Now that you have spared the capable ministers, you will surely raise tigers into trouble. In the future, Wuhuan will return to you." Abandon. Brother, please think twice!"

Wuhuan once took refuge in the Han Dynasty, so they were able to move south and became a semi-agricultural tribe.

It's just that after the decline of the Han Dynasty, Wuhuan rebelled again, which was worse than Xianbei and Huns.

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