He doesn't even know what Yangzhou looks like, so how can he defeat it?

"Zhong Da is right, what do you think?" Cao Cao looked at Zhong Yao to show respect.

As for Yang Xiu, he is a junior, and his status is a little bit worse.

Zhong Yao was also persuaded by Sima Yi, because he had been to Yangzhou, knew the prosperity of Yangzhou, and described it to Cao Cao.

But where is the shock witnessed?

"Wei Wang is wise!" Zhong Yao said, and Cao Cao understood what he meant.

Yang Xiu on the side gritted his teeth, Sima Yi is too f*cking insidious!

In this silent game, Cao Zhi's faction failed, a complete failure.

Why did Sima Yi ask Cao Cao to go to Yangzhou?

Intentions can be described as extremely vicious!

After seeing the prosperity of Yangzhou, Cao Cao will definitely be shocked, and come back to have a look... Cao Zhi has become a frog in a well?

As a disciple of Dongyang Hou and Cao Pi who is familiar with Yangzhou, wouldn't he be more suitable to be the prince?

You must not be so passive!

Yang Xiu immediately counterattacked, saying: "King Wei, your safety is the top priority, you should send more than [-] troops to protect you, and you should dispatch [-] troops to the border to show your determination to die. "

This is the move of advancing as retreating.

Cao Cao has already moved his mind, and it would be thankless to disobey him again.

So Yang Xiu emphasized the difficulty of Cao Cao's travel!

This completely aroused Cao Cao's suspicion.

Yes, I can go to Yangzhou, but safety must be done well.

The question is, if Chen Bing is really asking for [-] yuan, will the Marquis of Dongyang be happy?

Certainly not!

At that time, it will cause a chain reaction again, and Cao Cao can't help hesitating!

Sima Yi glanced at Yang Xiu, and calmly resolved: "Since it is a show of determination, why bother to send troops to the border. The Lord can send the army to Xuchang!"

Liu Ke stationed [-] troops in Runan, commanded by Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, just to deter Xu Chang.

Xuchang is where Emperor Xian is located and where the imperial court is located. Even if it is an empty shell, it still has meaning.

So far, except for a few thousand defenders, Xuchang is equivalent to no defense.

Cao Cao's increase of troops in Xuchang, on the one hand, will not cause conflicts, and on the other hand, it can show his determination.

After all, Xuchang is still in the hands of Cao Cao, what happened to his increase in troops?

Everything seems to be taken for granted.

It's like saying to Liu Ke, I'm going to Dongyang City, don't mess around, I'm also on guard!

"What Zhongda said is very true." Cao Cao agreed again.

Yang Xiu's teeth were itching with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

Who made Sima Yi so smart?

It's time to meet your opponent!

Then Sima Yi's proposal made it even more difficult for Yang Xiu to accept.

"My lord, after staying behind last time, Mr. Cao Pi handles government affairs very well, so you can rest assured to hand over the rear to him."

When Cao Cao went out to fight, Cao Pi did a good job, which made him very satisfied. This time he agreed again.

For Cao Cao, this is just a trivial matter.

But for those who supported Cao Zhi's faction, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Forget it if you failed the first competition, who let Cao Zhi, a bastard, pass through the White Horse Gate that only emperors can pass.

But this time it was Cao Pi again!

The power of habit is powerful.

In the future, as long as Cao Pi does not make mistakes, it is impossible to be Cao Zhi.

The position of the son of the world... almost falls to Cao Pi's head.

Yang Xiu thought about it for a second, and could only settle for the next best thing.

"King Wei, Mr. Cao Zhi has been contemplating behind closed doors for a long time. You might as well take him to Yangzhou. I heard that the scholars in Yangzhou are all arrogant and arrogant. Fighting between dragons and tigers is inevitable. You can let Mr. Cao Zhi suppress their arrogance."

Cao Cao still liked Cao Zhi very much. During this time, Cao Zhi was also very obedient and did not cause him any trouble. During this period, he wrote a lot of poems, all of which expressed regret.

Yangzhou is a prosperous place, and poetry is indispensable.

Take it with you this time!

Seeing Cao Cao nodding in agreement, Sima Yi felt bad, but it seemed a bit late to stop him now.

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