"My surname is Cao... You are asking me such a simple question?"

Hua Xin only dared to mutter in his heart, but never dared to speak out.

Cao Cao is a foreign surname, and they are all crowned kings.

You are still talking nonsense here, talking about etiquette.

Hua Xin instantly understood what Liu Ke meant, so he didn't dare to refute.

Once he refuted, Cao Cao would definitely be involved.

Cao Cao, a king with a foreign surname, is a destroyer of the ritual system.

According to the rumors, Cao Cao was not satisfied with Jiuxi, and added one to himself, called Shixi, but everyone disagreed.

In Cao Cao's "Nine Tin Policy" article, Cao Cao is touted as a saint who "although Yi Yinge is in the emperor's heaven, and Zhou Gong is in the world, Fang Zhi is as contemptuous as he is".

Xun Yu was very opposed to it, and he was at odds with Cao Cao.Seeing that Dongyang Hou, who is dedicated to the country, is also the same, and he can't help but feel a little heartbroken.

But after seeing Liu Ke generously rewarding the so-called "Nine Tins" to his subordinates, Xun Yu saw the difference between Liu Ke and Cao Cao.

This is the Marquis of Dongyang to whom he is loyal, with the appearance of a real king!

Xun Yu in the audience was very excited. Although he served as Shang Shuling and the "deputy" prime minister when he was under Cao Cao's command, he did not have a high status in Yangzhou.

With the help of Xun You, he found a position in the cabinet as a miscellaneous job, more to help Lu Su, and he was in the learning stage.

Because Yangzhou's system is completely different from that of the imperial court, it took Xun Yu a long time to get familiar with it.

"Does the emissary have any objections? Feel free to raise it." Liu Ke said.

Hua Xin lowered his head and didn't speak anymore, a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

Seeing this, Liu stopped pestering him and continued to offer rewards.

"Lu Zijing, chief assistant of the cabinet, leader of Yangzhou pastor!"

"Zhao Zilong, the general of Tiance Mansion, leads Xuzhou Mu!"

"Taishi Ziyi, the general of Tiance Mansion, leads Qingzhou Mu!"

"Jia Wenhe, a member of the cabinet, lead the prefect!"


Liu Ke rewarded one by one, and there were only a few state shepherds. Of course, it was impossible for everyone to get a share, but everyone got a satisfactory promotion.

The so-called state shepherd is of course different from the one conferred by Emperor Ling, it only represents a kind of honor.

The government affairs of a state are still in the hands of the governor, and the army is the governor.

In name, the state pastor is in charge of the military and political power of a state, but in fact he only receives a salary.

In the past, these state pastoral positions were all Liu Ke's own titles.Now that he is a prince, it is meaningless to lead the state shepherd, and he is entrusted to his subordinates.

Yangzhou is the fief of Dongyang King.

In addition to the Han Dynasty, an independent Dongyang Kingdom emerged.

Like the vassal kingdoms in the early Western Han Dynasty, they were controlled by the court, but they had their own laws and troops.

As for the other states ruled by Liu Ke, they were only governed "on behalf of" the imperial court.

This is also one of the reasons why Liu Bei ridiculed Cao Cao, because Cao Cao was named the king of Wei, but most of the land of Wei was in the hands of Liu Ke.

Cao Cao is a Wei Wang who does not live up to his name!

Liu Bei was different. He really captured Hanzhong and justified his name as King of Hanzhong.

Moreover, now that Liu Bei is recognized by the court, he is no longer the wild king he claims to be.

Both Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong have made great achievements, but their contributions are not as good as Xu Shu's in total.

Who let Xu Shu take refuge here early?

This is also where Pang Tong hammered his thigh. If he had had the opportunity to perform earlier, he would have been a "state shepherd", not just in the Ministry of War, where he took the second-in-command position as a minister of the Ministry of War.

The Minister of War is equivalent to the current Deputy Minister of Defense.

For a "young man" like Pang Tong, this is already a step up to the sky.What's more, he is still a cabinet candidate and will enter the cabinet in the future.

The current cabinet members include Lu Su, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xun You, and Xu Shu, among whom Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Xun Yu are alternates.

Liu Ke rewarded them one by one, and Cao Cao trembled just hearing the name of the reward.

Whether it is Jiuxi or the state shepherd, Liu Ke rewards them like Chinese cabbage.

It was only at this time that Cao Cao suddenly realized that the Marquis of Dongyang occupied so many territories.

From south to north, Jiaozhou, Yangzhou, Xuzhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, Pingzhou, and most of Yuzhou.

Such a force has already occupied half of the country.

Cao Cao trembled.

"Is this why King Dongyang asked me to come to watch the ceremony?"

To be honest, Cao Cao has been intimidated.

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