"Do you know what ink does?"

"I know, it will make the handwriting unclear."

Chen Dao nodded in satisfaction, this time he did not find the wrong person.

The prisoner is Liu Zhen!

However, Chen Dao still has to dig out his accomplices, so he can't let them go.

"Who ordered you to do this?"

At this time, Yu Jin who was being treated suddenly woke up, only heard the last question, and shouted:

"can not say!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Then Yu Jin's mouth was blocked by a smelly sock.


Struggling, Yu Jin signaled Liu Zhen to stick to his heart and maintain the prestige of King Wei with his eyes.

Liu Zhen sighed and said, "It's the Minister's order."

Is it Hua Xin?

Is this person so vengeful?

Dian Wei was a little surprised. In order to check the imperial decree, he offended Hua Xin severely.

Unexpectedly, Hua Xin actually asked Liu Zhen to switch positions...

In the end, wouldn't it be that he caused his brother's ceremony of conferring the king almost to go wrong?

Dian Wei couldn't forgive himself, but he couldn't let the old man Hua Xin go either.

Damn it, he needs to be taught a lesson.

But Chen Dao didn't rush to draw a conclusion, Liu Zhen said what he said, how could it be possible.

"Do you know what you're talking about? If you bite indiscriminately, or excuse someone powerful, the consequences will be serious."

Yu Jin was very satisfied with what Liu Zhen said, that things like destroying Dongyang Hou's title as king must not be blamed on King Wei.

Otherwise, once Dongyang King takes the opportunity to make trouble, he will keep Wei Wang in Yangzhou.

Isn't the court going to be in chaos?

So we must firmly insist that it was Hua Xin who did it, so that King Dongyang will have no excuses.

After hearing Chen Dao's words, Yu Jin's heart was raised again.

A certain dignitary, isn't he referring to King Wei?

woo woo woo woo……

Struggling, Yu Jin let out an urgent "woo hoo" sound to warn Liu Zhen, and threatened him by the way, telling him not to talk nonsense.

If you dare to bite King Wei, you will die!

Yu Jin stared with dark circles under his eyes, which was very intimidating.

Liu Zhen really insisted on the original answer.

"I just obey the orders of Lord Shang Shuling, and I don't know anything else."

As for whether Shang Shuling obeyed the order of King Wei, I don't know.

Liu Zhen's words left a little leeway for himself.

As expected of a scholar, he is not chaotic in times of danger, and his thinking is very clear.

"Why did Cao Cao destroy the lord's king ceremony?" Dian Wei continued to ask.

Yu Jin couldn't stay calm anymore, he broke free from his stinky socks, and said angrily, "Dian Wei, what do you mean? You deliberately pulled on King Wei?"

"Why are you arguing? Is there a place for you to talk?"

Dian Wei glared at Yu Jin with a sneer: "We just asked him to tell the truth, what are you afraid of?"

Of course I'm scared!

If King Wei is detained, will I be fine?

Yu Jin said angrily: "You are deliberately linking him with the King of Wei. Where is the evidence? How is he connected with the King of Wei?"

"Liu Zhen is the prime minister's subordinate, is the king of Wei the prime minister?" Dian Wei roared angrily.


I can't hold on anymore, Liu Zhen, it's time to show your literati style!

Otherwise, I will definitely break your bones.

Yu Jin thought fiercely.

"Cough cough."

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