"Is it so funny?"

Zhou Buyi widened his eyes and said.

Only then did Liu Zhen wake up, as a prisoner, he seemed too arrogant.

But I just can't help it!

He had never seen such an unreliable person.

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Buyi waved his hand, and a guard stepped forward and took off Liu Zhen's shoes.

A strong smell came...

He almost suffocated the guard to death, but he still firmly completed the task and applied honey on the soles of his feet.

Liu Zhen saw all this in his eyes, with a mocking look on his face, and actually wanted to rely on these things to make him succumb, which is really underestimating him.

No, I don't feel anything!

Only Dian Wei was thoughtful, he knew that Zhou Buyi would never use such childish means.

Must be prepared somewhere.

Sure enough, after a while, the subordinates took out another small jar, which was filled with densely packed ants.

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Zhen seems to have trysophobia, and when he sees these little things, he is instinctively afraid.

Zhou Buyi didn't speak, but showed him a meaningful smile, which made Liu Zhen feel bad.

"Since you are a literati, it would be bad if you broke your body. Enjoy your happiness."

The ants discovered the existence of honey and gathered at the soles of Liu Zhen's feet.

Right under Liu Zhen's nose!

Soon, the itchy sensation under his feet revived him.But this itchy feeling wasn't enough to make him uncomfortable.

"Is that all that matters?"

Liu Zhen sneered.

In just one sentence, Liu Zhen felt an itchy sensation under his feet, and it seemed to be getting more and more itchy.

This feeling is amazing... At the beginning, I could control it with my mind, but in the end I couldn't control it.

Liu Zhen wanted to scratch him, but his whole body was tied up with ropes, so he couldn't move.

So he can only move the soles of his feet randomly, hoping to get rid of these ants.

However, the delicious food is right in front of us, how could the ants give up.

So not only did it not relieve the itching, but it made him feel more itchy.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Zhen couldn't help laughing out loud, but he immediately shut his mouth and forcibly endured.

Soon his face flushed and became red.

A sense of suffocation pervades.

He really wanted to laugh out loud, and only by laughing could he feel better.

However, he didn't want to show weakness in front of Zhou Buyi, this was his last dignity.

Difficult, extremely uncomfortable.

Liu Zhen's body was constantly twisting, and his feet were constantly bending.

"Ha ha……"

Like a flood breaking a dike, Liu Zhen couldn't bear it any longer and suddenly had a feeling of unobstructed breathing.

"Right, don't you want to laugh? It's good enough to laugh." Zhou Buyi said calmly.

Hua Xin saw the change in Liu Zhen's expression, so he looked at Zhou Buyi as if he were looking at a devil.

This is no ordinary criminal law, and it also tortures a person's dignity.

"Haha...who cut off these legs for me...haha...kill me..."

Liu Zhen was very uncomfortable, and his feet were extremely itchy. There were really countless ants crawling back and forth under his feet.

"Haha... bastard... haha... you will die... the whole family..."

Liu Zhen's eyes were full of anger, and he scolded Zhou Buyi, hoping that Zhou Buyi could relieve his pain with a clean knife.

Smiling and laughing, the feeling of being out of breath became more and more intense,...

"Tell me, who ordered you to change the ink that will fade." Zhou Buyi asked interrogatively.

"Haha...Shang Shuling...My lord...haha...cough cough..."

Liu Zhen suddenly coughed violently.

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