Sun Shangxiang was a little unhappy when she heard this, because her elder brother, Sun Ce, was a very important relative to her.

Of course Liu Ke could also see the dissatisfaction in Sun Shangxiang's expression, and continued: "Changsha Governor Zhang Zhongjing, this man is a great doctor, if even he can't do anything, it's useless to call Hua Tuo."

Speaking of Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Shangxiang felt relieved.

Zhang Zhongjing is as famous as Hua Tuo in medicine. In some aspects, Zhang Zhongjing is even better, and he is honored as a medical saint by later generations.

Simply put, before meeting Liu Ke, Hua Tuo followed the path of a rural doctor.

That is to go to the mountains to collect herbs and treat people's diseases, almost all comers are refused, and at the same time, they have no fixed place to live.

Zhang Zhongjing is different. Not only is he a clean and honest official, but he is also a master of medicine in research.

His masterpiece "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases" and the established principles of syndrome differentiation and treatment of the six meridians are the basic principles of TCM clinical practice, the soul of TCM, and must-have classics for later scholars to study TCM.

Simply put, Zhang Zhongjing is more prestigious among the dignitaries!

Even Sun Shangxiang has heard of his name.

However, after hearing Liu Ke's words, Sun Shangxiang snorted coldly and said coquettishly, "What do you mean being helpless?"

It sounded like he was cursing Sun Ce...

Liu Ke quickly couldn't afford to pay, so Sun Shangxiang gave up.

Time flies, this winter, the great cold!

It was snowing heavily in Yangzhou.

Liu Ke is in good health, and still wears one more piece of clothing than in previous years, so that he can resist the cold.

"Auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year!"

Liu Ke comforted himself and walked to work.

"Soldiers in the army must keep warm!" Zhao Yun said with a serious face. After seeing Liu Ke, he restrained his serious expression and revealed a smile.

"Meet the lord!"

"Don't be too polite."

Lu Su glanced at the generals and said: "The money has been allocated to you, you can handle it yourself!"

The reason why he said this was a metaphorical warning, who dares to be greedy for ink!

So far, Yangzhou has not found such a thing.But a warning is still necessary.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shoufu, if any soldier freezes to death, we will deal with it to the end!" Dian Wei said domineeringly.

Seeing their discussion, Liu Ke interjected, "Don't just worry about the soldiers, what about the common people?"

Speaking of this, everyone was a little silent. There are so many people, how could it be possible to take care of them...

Lu Su didn't dare to answer.

Liu Ke smiled and said: "You guys are just too rigid, and I didn't say to take care of everyone. Wherever there is a snowstorm, just support there. Then let the idle soldiers cut some wood, and then Spend some money, buy it from the soldiers at a low price, and distribute it to the people."

Liu Ke simply gave an example, and everyone suddenly realized.

It must be inhumane for soldiers to cut wood in cold weather.But paid is different, and the soldiers can also have an extra income.

It is also very affordable for the common people to have wood to light a fire for heating.

Moreover, as a soldier, or a Yangzhou soldier, even in winter, you should exercise your body.

Otherwise, after three months, what kind of poor physical fitness will be!

"My lord is right!" Lu Su said, "However, next time, can you give me some ideas for making money, instead of always spending money..."

Liu Ke smiled embarrassingly. He could use the Liu family's savings to subsidize, but every time he did this, it was not conducive to the healthy development of the government office.

In the future, the treasury will really run out of money. Isn't everyone thinking about Liu Ke's small treasury?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What happened recently?" Liu Ke asked, looking at Xun You at the same time.

Xun You coughed and said, "After Liu Bei returned to Yizhou, he began to win over the people of the Southern Man. The possibility of success is very high."

After finishing speaking, Xun You glanced at Liu Ke and found that he had no doubts, and continued:

"Jingzhou is still as calm as ever. The only change is that after Sun Ce became seriously ill, Sun Quan came to power and gained more power. The lower officials believe that there must be a battle between the two of them."

"Sun Ce is a dragon among men. When he was alive, Jingzhou could only have one voice."

Regarding Xun You's point of view, Guo Jia disagreed: "Not necessarily, Sun Ce can trust Zhou Yu, and of course he will trust his own brother."

"It's because the two are related by blood!" Xun You emphasized.

It's very simple, but everyone understands it.

No matter how powerful Zhou Yu was, he was only a courtier, a loyal courtier to Sun Ce.

Sun Quan is different, he is also Sun Jian's son, the legitimate son.

"It's impossible for this to happen." Liu Ke said firmly.

Liu Ke never infers randomly, and Xun You knew this, so he didn't insist on it.

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