"It must be to prevent Dongyang King from coming here. Think about it, what kind of place is this place? Maybe you and I have diseases on our bodies. What if we infect Dongyang King?"

"That's right, the King of Dongyang must not be allowed to come over!"

"Brother sergeant, please tell King Dongyang, we have already felt his intentions, don't let him come over!"

So, the sergeant conveyed the pleas of the people to Tian Chou.

"My lord, the people don't want you to take risks either! They are all concerned about you!"

Liu Ke looked ahead, feeling a little helpless, even Hua Tuo, who was on the side, persuaded:

"My lord, this old man can go by himself, but if you go, everyone will be worried."

Liu Ke was speechless, could it be that he could not help?

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. God bless me!"

After speaking, Liu Ke rode forward, leaving everyone stunned.

"My lord is too righteous, what should I do?"

Tian Chou was dying of anxiety.

Liu Ke came to Tian Chou, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "The common people have suffered enough. This king knows that General Tian is also under great pressure. From now on, I will leave everything to this King!"

In an instant, Tian Chou's tears flowed out.Isn't he afraid of death?

This is of course impossible, he also has his own family.

But after seeing the panic and helplessness of the people, Tian Chou felt that he should do something, otherwise his conscience would be too bad.

He is not very capable and cannot solve the epidemic, but he can share weal and woe with the people.

With this in mind, Tian Chou has persisted until now.

When Liu Ke rode his horse to the fence, the people looked at him one after another, as if they wanted to keep him in their hearts.

"I am Liu Dingfang, and I am also the king of Dongyang, but now, I am your parent officer, and I will make decisions for you. As long as there is any hope, I will let you live!"

Liu Ke didn't speak too many gorgeous words, the three words "Dongyang King" are enough to make people crazy!

"It's really the Great Han Dongyang King! He came to Jizhou from Yangzhou...it's unbelievable."

"It is said that King Dongyang loves the people the most. It seems that the rumors did not lie to me!"

For a while, the people were grateful.

Of course, some people remembered the rumors not long ago that Yangzhou has good medicine!

Although Tian Chou explained it many times, some people still have hope.

"Dongyang King, I beg you, give me good medicine, my child is dying!"

One person knelt down, and the others also knelt down one after another, begging Liu Ke for medicine.

"Dongyanghou, my father is dying, please save his life!"

The side chattered, and Liu Ke couldn't reply at all.

Tian Chou was angry, and just as he was about to stop the people, Liu Ke spoke first, saying:

"There is no so-called good medicine in Yangzhou!"

When they heard Liu Ke say this with their own ears, some people burst into tears.

It was as if hope had been dashed.

"However, I brought the best doctor in Yangzhou."

After speaking, Hua Tuo came out, a white-haired old man.

"This is the miracle doctor Hua Tuo!"

The common people suddenly showed surprise expressions, as far away as Jizhou, they also knew the legend of the genius doctor Hua Tuo!

Because in every medical center, there is a portrait of the genius doctor Hua Tuo.

With such an old god around, what is the disease?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's more tiring than going to the battlefield!" Liu Ke complained.

"My lord cares about the people, so of course I feel tired. Unlike Cao Cao, who has no heart and no lungs. If the people under his care are sick, they will all be driven to Jizhou. He doesn't care about it at all, just like a villain." Hua Tuo laughed.

Liu Ke also felt that he managed too much.

The plague is really too terrible!

The gdp that Liu Ke managed to pull up must not be destroyed by the plague.

Otherwise, all these years of hard work will be in vain.

"What the common people want is to survive. Does Yuanhua have an idea?" Liu Ke asked with concern.

"No, we still need to observe it tomorrow." Hua Tuo said.

Today I just came to the isolation camp and walked around, and I didn't come into contact with patients.

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