"Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is the painstaking effort of Zhang Zhongjing's life. He said that he dedicated it, and he dedicated it, which is not ambiguous at all.

Although it hasn't played a big role yet...

"Is there any progress in the medical mission?" Liu Ke asked.

They are still in Bingzhou, saving lives and healing the wounded.

"There is no news at the moment." Chen Qun said.

After speaking, the three of them fell into silence.

Plague makes people unhappy.

The next day, Hua Tuo was about to diagnose the patient, and Liu Ke planned to watch.

Of course, this was met with fierce opposition.

"Master, absolutely not!" Tian Chou almost burst into tears.

Chen Qun did the same, stubbornly blocking Liu Ke, hoping that Liu Ke would not do something stupid.

"My lord, Liu Zhen also claimed to be the destiny, but he died in the end!"

In a panic, Chen Qun gave an example, which made Liu Ke dumbfounded.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chen Qun knew he was wrong. What is Liu Zhen's status, can he be the same as Liu Ke?

His so-called destiny must be false.

"You don't have to worry, since I said that the epidemic will end before the end of winter, then I can be sure." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke wants to try to see if he can exchange for effective medicine in the system store after contacting the patient.

With current technology, it is impossible to produce penicillin, etc.

Liu Ke can only rely on the system.

"I've made up my mind, there's no need to persuade me!"

Tian Chou and Chen Qun could only give up.

Along the way, they blocked Liu Ke's body firmly, preventing Liu Ke from coming into contact with patients.

Tian Chou even suggested that Liu could watch it with a telescope.

Liu Ke almost laughed out loud. He couldn't explain the fact that he was invulnerable to all diseases, and no one would believe him if he said it.Liu Ke can only "go his own way".

"Isn't that Dongyang King? It's fine for him to come to the camp, why did he go to the seriously ill camp?"

Countless people gathered together, moved by Liu Ke's actions.

In the eyes of other princes, they are nothing more than pariahs.

Moreover, the untouchables are also infected with diseases, so they are really not as good as livestock.

Only King Dongyang truly treats them as human beings!

"King Dongyang, this place is dangerous, you leave quickly!"

Many sick but conscious patients kindly reminded Liu Ke.

Liu Ke thanked them for their kindness, but had no intention of leaving.

Hua Tuo came to the first patient and quietly sounded his pulse.

Liu Ke took a step forward, and the system really gave a task.

"Ding! Mission requirement: Sacrifice to the heavens."

"Reward: prescription for cold disease, penicillin."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the isolation camp, it was originally a sad and dilapidated scene.

But with Liu Ke's arrival, everything changed.

The people here showed a rare smile.

Far and near, the big pot of porridge is busy, and the smoke rises.

The officials in charge of distributing porridge scolded the young men who were carrying broken bowls: "I have already said that women and children are given priority, why don't you understand?!"

"They are all on the handle, can you be more conscious?"

"And you! You brat who jumped in line, get out of the way too, or I'll make you look good!"

"You are afraid that the porridge will not be enough, or will you be reincarnated as a starved ghost?"

Just a joke, with Jizhou's food reserves, it's no problem to support a few thousand more people, even hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, seeing their eagerness, full of tricks, is the most infuriating.

Although the faces of those who were scolded were pale, they all obeyed obediently.

Just kidding, officials risked their lives to give porridge here, how much kindness is there? !

Officials have fierce eyes, but they also have a kind side.

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