Of course Cao Cao didn't believe in these things, if he flaunted his merits, it would be excusable.

But to ask God to help, in the whole world, who has such a big face?

"Congratulations, my lord! King Dongyang has been restrained for most of his energy, and this is the lord's opportunity!" Sima Yi said.

"Hehe, it would be even more interesting if King Dongyang was infected with the plague." Cao Cao laughed.

It's still only winter!

Next spring, the plague will continue to spread and the disaster will continue.

Suddenly, Cao Cao felt that he was a little despicable, and he needed such a means to restrict Liu Ke.

However, for the sake of the world's hegemony, this despicableness is nothing at all.

Chapter One Thousand and One Persuasion

"It's bad, my lord!"

Zhuge Liang's face was ugly, showing a worried look, and the moment he opened his mouth, it was something bad, which made Liu Ke's heart skip a beat, and he had an ominous premonition.

Could it be that there is something that I haven't considered thoroughly?

Liu Ke asked urgently: "Kong Ming, what happened, don't scare me."

"My lord... it's about the sacrificial offering."

Zhuge Liang immediately told Liu Ke that the news that he was going to offer sacrifices to the sky had already spread.

This is definitely not what the prince should do!

Zhuge Liang was very worried when Liu Ke offered sacrifices to the sky. He originally thought that the sacrifice would be carried out quietly, but he didn't expect it to be so grandiose.

It was beyond his expectation.

Because Zhuge Liang was afraid that Liu Ke would be too inflated. Once the epidemic became more serious, people would think of it and form a perfect script:

The king of Dongyang slaughtered too much, causing the plague to be rampant.In order to control the plague, King Dongyang offered sacrifices to the sky and prayed for the common people. As a result, the plague spread.

What does this prove?

Dongyang Wang Wude!

For Liu Ke's prestige, it will be a heavy blow.

Now the whole city of Ye is full of rumors, and even Zhuge Liang suspects that the whole Jizhou knows about it.

Not only that, but under the impetus of Cao Cao, the whole world knew about it.

The princes and aristocratic families are all watching Liu Ke's jokes!

The only people who are full of expectations are the common people in the world. They think that King Dongyang will definitely succeed.

It is precisely this expectation of the people that makes Zhuge Liang panic.

Once the sacrifice fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

This is more difficult and more serious than praying for rain in times of drought.

"Oh, Kong Ming scared me, it's not a big deal."

After Liu Ke finished listening, he didn't have Zhuge Liang's worries. He relaxed and said, "Kong Ming has a heart."


Seeing Liu Ke's indifferent look, Zhuge Liang immediately raised his voice and said solemnly: "My lord has already been crowned king, one person is below ten thousand. Your every move is not a trivial matter. If you don't operate well, you Your reputation will be ruined. Why give someone else a handle?"

In the eyes of smart people like Zhuge Liang, there are many ways to stabilize people's hearts.

Why use the most unreliable method?

He was incomprehensible.

"Kong Ming, what are you afraid of?"

Liu Ke didn't show too much concern, and comforted: "The thing has already happened, even if it's useless to worry now, it's better to let nature take its course. And, can you have a little confidence in me?"

Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh, and then suggested:

"Then my lord, do you want to change the location of the sacrificial ceremony? On the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, I always feel a bit immodest."

"Need not!"

Liu Zhe directly refused, saying: "It's on Tongque Terrace, there is no need to change it, and it can't be changed. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't want mother-in-law!"

Only then did Zhuge Liang remind him: "My lord, you performed the salute on the Tongque Terrace, which shocked everyone. Now you are offering sacrifices to the heavens on the Tongque Terrace, which is contrary to etiquette."

Liu Ke looked strange, why Zhuge Liang's focus is always so strange.

However, Liu Ke has finally learned about his personality that cares about everything.

"The matter of the sacrificial ceremony suddenly spread throughout the thirteen states. You don't even need to think about who is behind the scenes. They are all waiting to see my jokes. I won't let them succeed. I will slap them in the face severely."

"That's right, Cao Cao must be playing tricks behind it, he's the only one who would be so boring..."

Who is playing tricks behind the scenes can be figured out without guessing.

Zhuge Liang said: "Because of this, my lord should not hold the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. Cao Mengde will definitely use this to damage my lord's reputation."

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