But Chen Dao didn't feel any pain, which is definitely not normal.


"Yes, my lord." Chen Dao responded.

He immediately took a deep breath and concentrated, but this state of concentration only lasted for a while, and then he lost his mind again, and was hit by Liu Ke again.

This time, Liu Ke showed no mercy and pushed Chen Dao to the ground a little harder.

"Uncle Zhi, what are you thinking?" Liu Ke asked aloud, this was the first time Liu Ke saw Chen Dao who was so absent-minded.

"My lord, this subordinate is thinking about something." Chen Dao said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Sacrificing to the heavens is not a simple matter."

"What's there to worry about?"

Liu Ke didn't take it seriously, and said: "You have been with me for so long, and you still worry about this? I don't worry about things, and you don't have to panic in the future."

"Subordinates care about it and cause chaos! If the lord fails, the prestige will definitely be damaged." Chen Dao continued to rub the back of his head, very embarrassed.

"Stop worrying about such useless thoughts. I will never fail in what I concentrate on doing." Liu Ke sized Chen Dao up and said with a smile.

Chen Dao was embarrassed by the look, and also smirked.

"Even if you fail, so what? In this world, as long as you have military power, why seek everyone's approval? When Dong Zhuo was in power, his reputation was not very good, and he was not a good guy." Liu Ke said.

"My lord is different from a brutal person like Dong Zhuo!" Chen Dao immediately corrected, but Liu Ke did not refute.

Liu Ke doesn't care about the loss of reputation, he just wants to complete the task.

After completing the task and solving the plague, how could his reputation be damaged?

So, Liu wouldn't worry about this or that.

After the morning exercise, Liu Ke rode Lingxi Mochizuki to the Tongque Terrace.

There are already crowds of people here.

However, most of them are defenders in Jizhou.

If there is no restriction, the people of Yecheng will come out more.

It's a pity that there is a plague now, and Liu will not take such a risk.

Even if he has a solution to the plague in the future, it will cost a lot of medicinal materials.

Why bother?

After Liu Ke dismounted, he started to walk, one step at a time.His speed was not fast, and as he walked up the Tongque Terrace step by step, the voices of the people's discussions gradually became quieter, so that they became silent.

Everyone focused their attention on Liu Ke, watching Liu Ke advance step by step.

Under the gaze of all eyes, Liu Ke boarded the prepared altar.

He raised the wine bar high, all the sounds in the Tongque Terrace disappeared, completely quiet, Liu Ke on the high platform slowly opened his mouth.

"Since the Yellow Turban, the thirteen prefectures of the world have been full of wars. How many innocent people and heroic soldiers died on this land that gave birth to us? In the past ten years, this king has fought south and north, put down the Yellow Turban, crusaded against Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao, and collected The purpose of subjugating foreign races and stabilizing the entire north is to let the Han people who are indomitable, no matter how old or young they are, have less bloodshed."

The cold wind blew across the high platform, bringing Liu Ke's voice far away, resounding in everyone's heart!

"I don't sacrifice this cup of wine to heaven!"

On the altar, Liu Ke spoke again to everyone on the Bronze Sparrow Stage, and tilted the wine bar held high in his hand.

The wine slowly flowed down and mixed into the wind and snow.

"This glass of wine is dedicated to the soldiers who died with this king in the Southern and Northern Wars!"

On the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, a pair of sword soldiers unsheathed, reflecting the coldness in the warm firelight.

"Dongyang King! Dongyang King!"

The sound of shouts erupted neatly from the sea of ​​thousands of soldiers, rushing into the sky.

The flags were flying here, Liu Ke on the high platform slowly drew out the Longquan Sword, and raised it above his head in the eyes of countless people.

The people who don't know why can't help but feel a chill in their hearts!

"This king's second cup of wine is to sacrifice the innocent people who died of hunger and illness!"

Liu Ke's voice resounded through the sky, and he poured down the wine cup he was holding in his hand again.

"Back then, the king relied on thousands of people, and Dongyang started his career. It was hard work all the way. In and out of the barracks, in and out of the battlefield, he fought for many years. Watching the soldiers under his command fall one by one by his side, seeing me as a big man The people were displaced by the war, and more than ten thousand people died in the wilderness!"

"Nowadays, the people of the Han Dynasty are suffering from epidemics and diseases, what a disaster and disaster!"

At this point, some people were already crying.

Let me ask, who else in the world cares about their lives except King Dongyang?

"Now, this king is here to ask the heavens to bless the people of the Han Dynasty and save them from the torment of diseases."

At this moment, the originally gloomy sky, the sun shines into the Tongque Terrace, and the wind and snow are flying.

The people held their breath, and there was only one figure standing there in the entire altar, and only one voice sounded.

"It's not easy in troubled times! This king will join hands with all the lords!"

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