"Zhou Busu is probably itchy!"

The more Liu Ke thought about it, the more perplexed he became, so he sent someone to find Zhou Buyi and reprimanded him.

It was not until Gan Ning came that Zhou Buyi was relieved.

"Xingba, tell me, what's going on?" Liu Ke said.

"As stated in the letter, my lord rejected the delegation from Yamatai Kingdom at the ceremony of conferring the king," Gan Ning replied.

Liu Ke was silent for a while.

"I mean, how dare they seize our ship?"

"It's not been a day or two since the Japanese coveted our shipbuilding technology. This sudden move may have been premeditated." Gan Ning said.

"Besides, the Japanese have healed their scars and forgot the pain. It has been many years since our army taught the Japanese a lesson."

"What do you think?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, this time we must teach Yamatai a lesson, otherwise it will be difficult for the people to be angry." Gan Ning said firmly.

Liu Ke looked at Zhou Buyi, and then at Gan Ning.

Zhou Buyi immediately confessed honestly, "Teacher, it was General Gan who forced me to publish the newspaper!"

Sure enough, it was the same as Liu Ke guessed.

"Xingba, you want to fight. I am a military commander, so I can understand. But have you ever thought about how serious this crime is?"

With a plop, Gan Ning knelt down.

"I will be convicted at the end!"

Liu Ke looked at Zhou Buyi again, and Zhou Buyi also knelt down.

"Students know their mistakes!"

"If I don't handle this matter with you, it will be difficult to convince the public." Liu Ke said.

Zhou Buyi suddenly became nervous and said:

"Teacher, I am willing to join the army for training!"

"Enter the Chishui Army?" Liu Ke glanced at Zhou Buyi with great interest.

So that's the case, no wonder Zhou Buyi's soldiers made dangerous moves.

Zhou Buyi had a feeling of being seen through, and said bravely: "The Chishui army is good!"

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to take your crimes and make meritorious deeds, and conquer the evil Matai country!" Liu Ke said forcefully.

Zhou Buyi showed a look of excitement.

Chapter One Thousand and Nine

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of war drums sounded, and the Chishui army that was about to go out was lined up neatly.

Gan Ning was majestic and majestic, and he lined up neatly with his soldiers, waiting to set off.

On the general stage, Liu Ke looked at the Chishui Army team below, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Gan Ning was just a water bandit who was subdued by Liu Ke and has been following Liu Ke and fighting for Liu Ke.

It can be said that the Chishui Army was established by Gan Ning himself, without him there would be no such team.

Among them, the two most famous battles in which the Chishui Army participated were Liu Ke's appointment with Sun Jian in order to support Jingzhou.

It is Chishui Army who replaced Yangzhou!

In this battle, the Chishui Army became a blockbuster and won a complete victory.

In the second battle, the Battle of White Wolf Mountain, Liu Ke defeated the allied forces of the Xiongnu and Wuhuan, while the Chishui army took the sea route, avoiding Wuhuan's eyes, and attacked Liucheng.

Killed Liucheng to the brink of death!

As for some small battles such as defeating Huang Gai, the Chishui Army did not know how many battles they fought, but none of them made it to the stage.

In short, this army can be said to have made great achievements in battle.

The Chishui Army has only had large ships in the past, and now it has a large number of naval warships, and can even make expeditions to overseas barbarian countries.

Moreover, the Chishui Army is also responsible for exploring the world!

Some adventurers went to Southeast Asia and found the magical Spice Island, which continuously provided Yangzhou with a huge amount of money.

Today, spices have become an indispensable condiment in Yangzhou.


"I'm very proud!"

Liu Ke spoke up, and he said to the generals of the Chishui Army: "You are already so powerful."

"Looking at your heroic looks, I can proudly say that the Chishui Army is already the number one navy in the world. In the whole world, no one is your opponent."

"And next, your opponent will be a country, a country that dares to offend Yangzhou."

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