At this time, is there anything more important than loyalty?

Yang Xiu, who was on the side, saw Cao Cao showing such great courtesy to Xu Huang, he was surprised, but also jealous and envious.

Yang Xiu is a proud person, who advises Cao Cao, but Cao Cao never treats him like this, which makes Yang Xiu very disappointed.

Cao Cao saw this and felt that he could use it to win people's hearts.


Cao Cao suddenly stood up straight, looked around domineeringly, then bowed to the civil and military personnel in the hall, and said sincerely: "Thank you for your help, I can have today alone."

"Wei Wang can't do it! Can't do it!"

Everyone said this, but they were very excited in their hearts. Their efforts finally paid off.

Above the court, Cao Cao was a very dignified person, either angry or cursing.

Why have you been so humble?

No, Corporal Lixian.

Everyone is old fried dough sticks, but they were still moved by Cao Cao, and they all stood up and handed over:

"We will go through fire and water for the king of Wei, and we will not hesitate. We are confident that we will defeat the king of Dongyang!"

The subordinates are bursting with confidence!

Cao Cao smiled proudly, he is indeed a hero.

As the master, he couldn't show a little bit of timidity himself, otherwise it would worry his subordinates and further shake the morale of the army.

So Cao Cao respected his men and let them regain their confidence.

Only with one heart and one mind can we defeat Dongyang King, a formidable opponent.

Cao Cao still has a charismatic personality, otherwise there would not be so many people following him.

He just bowed his head and begged, and instantly made his subordinates burst into tears of gratitude.

If war broke out at this time, Cao Cao asked them to take up arms to fight, even civil servants would join the war without hesitation.

"My lord, it's a good time for us to recruit soldiers and buy horses for the King of Dongyang to conquer the Yamatai Kingdom!" Sima Yi suggested.

Hearing this sentence, Cao Cao's eyes lit up immediately.

That's right, the plague in Bingzhou is under control, the rebellion in Liangzhou has been put down, and the biggest threat to the east, King Dongyang, is very busy at the moment.

If I don't act anymore, I'm really sorry for the current good situation.

Cao Cao was about to wave his hand, but stopped in embarrassment halfway through the wave.

Because he suddenly remembered something.

He is poor, he has no money, and the treasury is running out of rats.

Due to the selflessness of King Dongyang, there was no shortage of food in the Han Dynasty, and there was no problem with eating and drinking enough.

But recruiting soldiers and buying horses always needs money!

Different from the Warring States period, the soldiers usually farmed the fields, and then recruited when the war came.

Soldiers are now professional and need to be paid.

Not only that, weapons and equipment also cost money!

Under Cao Cao's order, the farming system was launched in various places.

Tuntian is to restore the ancient system, and soldiers also need to farm.

But farming can only produce food, not money, which is very embarrassing.

Because there is no shortage of food everywhere, who will spend money to buy it?

Therefore, Cao Cao's farming, at most, does not need to spend money on food, and it is impossible to make money.

"Recruiting troops and buying horses is easier said than done." Cao Cao sighed.

Sima Yi smiled and said, "As long as my lord is willing, there is no army that cannot be recruited."

"How do you say that?" Cao Cao asked.

"My lord, you can order that you must join the army when you reach the age of eighteen." Sima Yi said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an exclamation.

"No, if there is no production, the world will be in chaos!" Yang Xiu said angrily.

Sima Yi laughed lightly, and said, "Why is there such chaos in the world? That's because there is no food. If the people can eat enough, who would come out to make trouble?"

"If the lord is worried that the strong men will join the army and no one will grow food, you can increase the farming system to support the people with soldiers."

This will be a complete overhaul.

If it succeeds, Cao Cao will have no shortage of troops!

After coordinating the production of armaments, the states controlled by Cao Cao will become war machines.

Although it will cause the people to be very poor, isn't it enough to give them food?

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