Beigou pinched his wife, and suddenly the cry of a child burst out!

Damn, pinch wrong!

Suddenly, a bright light shone from above his head, and Beigou couldn't help covering his eyes.

"We have found you!" A rude voice suddenly came from the top of the head.

Suddenly, with a bang, the tip of the knife was inserted into the wooden floor, and then suddenly pulled out. Repeatedly, the sawdust exploded and fell on the dog's head.

Screams sounded immediately.

"Did you come up by yourself, or die below?" Ding Feng said coldly, holding a torch.

Just by looking at it, Beigou knew what to do, and that was absolute obedience.

The humble dog got out, babbled and begged for mercy, before he finished speaking, his pupils narrowed suddenly, and the frontal blade widened bigger and bigger, and a voice exploded like a thunder: "Death!"

With a click, Beigou's head fell to the ground dripping with blood.

"The battle during the day made this guy escape. I'm so ashamed. Now I can finally report to General Gan." Ding was ordered to put Beigou's head back, and then looked at the woman who kept screaming and crying.

"Forget about women and children!"

In one sentence, the fate of the mother and son was decided.

Ding Feng strode out and saw a group of people gathered in the open space, not a single strong man.

He nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "Take everyone away, then set fire to this city!"

When the fire in the Walled City was blazing, the Ma people wept bitterly.

They lost their homes.

Ding Feng glanced at them coldly, and ordered: "If anyone resists, kill them."

Not long after, a bloody head was thrown at Gan Ning's feet.

Ding Feng clasped his fists and said: "Fortunately, I am not disgraceful!"

"Take it and bury it in a pit, what can you show me?" Gan Ning said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After taking Tsushima, Gan Ning established a temporary base here.He will use this place as a springboard to attack the mainland of Yamatai.

However, the news of the demise of the Ma Kingdom was not spread at all.

Because the news here is too closed!

For the Yamatai Kingdom, the territory of the Yamatai Kingdom is isolated overseas. If Gan Ning intends to block it, it is impossible for the Yamatai Kingdom to know the news for a year or so.

"General, an envoy from Yamatai Kingdom has arrived." A personal guard reported.

Gan Ning took out the binoculars and looked from a distance, and saw several bamboo rafts rippling in the sea.

To be honest, Gan Ning still had a little admiration in his heart.

At the beginning, the army of Yamatai Kingdom dared to sail on the sea in some small fishing boats, and invaded Qingzhou on a large scale.

Gan Ning knew more about the sea, so he was more afraid.

Even a warship of the Chishui Army may capsize if it encounters a wave.

Let alone a small fishing boat?

Now it's even more exaggerated, and I took the bamboo raft directly!

What's more, the missionaries on the bamboo rafts looked calm, with their hands crossed, holding their weapons, and looked majestic.

Gan Ning doesn't even know how to describe it, the ignorant is fearless?

Or is it a bold artist?

In short, if you can pretend to be a superior person, you may feel panicked.

"General, should we send a small boat?" Zhou Buyi asked tentatively.

"Why send?" Gan Ning asked back.

Zhou Buyi stopped talking, he finally understood Gan Ning's temper.

Gan Ning has studied, but he behaves like a rebellious pirate.

Where is the big country mind and demeanor of the Han Dynasty?

But for the Japanese, Zhou Buyi also felt that there was no need for them.The reason why I mentioned the above sentence just now is because of the education in the book.

Moreover, after the battle against Ma Guo, Zhou Buyi also understood the meaning of "can't teach people how to fight".

That was just pure killing!

There is no art of war at all against the weak Tsushima, or even the slightly stronger Yamatai.

One-sided slaughter is enough.

That's enough.

Zhou Bu doubted that his faith was about to be shaken.

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