"Brother, there are not enough heads!" Dian Wei said with a bitter face.

After several battles, only [-] to [-] heads were saved, which is still far from [-].

After Liu Ke arranged for someone to send Liu Yu back to the city, he kept chasing and killing the aliens in Youzhou.

All of a sudden, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and Liu Ke's bad name was spread everywhere.

The aliens who were still staying in Youzhou were so frightened that their butts pissed, and they rushed to the grassland, wishing to fly back to their hometown.

Liu Ke also took this into consideration, and ordered Tai Shici and Zhang He to guard the border, while he led Zhao Yun and Dian Wei to search for the aliens who were making trouble.

The alien races became the targets of hunting, and those who escaped sporadically also brought back important information.Now the tribes on the grassland also know this brutal cavalry, which is better than Baima Yicong.

After all, they defeated the tens of thousands of Uyumaru with one against two.

Of course, some people dismissed it, thinking that Uyumaru was incompetent and caused the grassland to suffer a big defeat.

The obvious difference from Baima Yicong is that they are dressed in black armor and look majestic.

Of course, Gongsun Zan knew about these rumors, and he was in a complicated mood at the moment.

"If it wasn't for the dragging down by the rebels, why would I, Bai Mayi, come here!" Gongsun Yue said viciously.

These honors that should have belonged to Baima Yicong were snatched away by others, who would be willing?

Liu Ke broke two sheets of hundreds of thousands of rebels in one day, and then defeated nearly [-] grassland aliens. The credit is not insignificant

Originally, Gongsun Yue was still complacent, and Youzhou was able to monopolize the great contribution to countering the rebellion. Who knew that Liu Ke would make an even greater contribution in the blink of an eye.

Liu Ke didn't have time to pay attention to these bird people. Although he had collected [-] heads at the moment, it was still a little far away from [-] heads.

For the sake of [-] people, he had to go deep into the grassland, because there were no other races in Youzhou.

This depth is out of control.

Chapter 97 Captured Countless

The grassland is vast and boundless, so Liu Ke split his army into three and searched for grassland tribes.

On the road that Liu Ke took, Dian Wei led two or three people as the vanguard, and he and Zhao Yun were the rear.

This time, he decided to sweep around.

Wan Yu rode his horse and galloped for about an hour. Suddenly, Liu Ke found a group of sheep that no one was grazing on the grass in front of him.

He reined in the horse, slowed down the speed of the horse, looked around, and saw the flock of sheep grazing leisurely.

Karasuma regards the flock of sheep as his wealth, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be left unattended.

Sure enough, the soldiers soon discovered a large number of corpses, and their leather jackets were stained red with blood.

The most obvious is the body of a child, riddled with arrows and decapitated.

He obviously could have had a more brilliant life, but at this moment he fell into a pool of blood.

With mixed emotions, Liu Ke continued on his way. Half an hour later, he vaguely saw a tribe's tent appearing in front of him.

When they approached, there was a bloody smell in the air, and the camp was full of corpses, and there was no living person in sight.

It's not that Liu Ke is merciful, he has seen too many scenes of war corpses everywhere, but there are always some innocent people.

"Pass down the order to gather cattle, sheep and horses!"

"Tell Dian Wei, don't kill anyone you see, only kill those who take up weapons! Regardless of men and women, old people and children, anyone who takes up weapons should be damned!"

His orders were promptly carried out.

In the next camp, Liu Ke finally heard the cry.

Following the heart-piercing cry, Liu Ke and his party walked deep into the camp.In an empty place, corpses are scattered all over, and there are about [-] women and children still alive.

Some of them slumped on the ground with ashes on their faces, their eyes bursting with hatred and despair, while some hugged the corpses of their relatives and cried bitterly.

In the grasslands, they cannot live without men.

But when he thought of the tragic situation in Youzhou, Liu didn't know who to pity.

With a flick of the reins, Liu Ke steered the horse forward without looking at the corpses scattered along the way.

Not long after, Liu Ke encountered another tribe who had been massacred.Judging from the size of the tribe, the population should have reached [-].

Generally, in a tribe with ten thousand people, there are about three thousand warriors who can fight.Because the grassland people are all soldiers, and the useless people will be excluded.

However, Dian Wei was able to slaughter the entire tribe cleanly, which shows that the men of this tribe must have participated in the war to plunder Youzhou.

These people are not worthy of death.

Zhao Yun felt extremely helpless at Dianwei's wanton massacre, and he didn't want to say anything more. Foreign wars are so cruel. What surprised him even more was the incredible marching speed of this army.

Their marching speed was not slow at all, but they still couldn't catch up with Dian Wei.This guy is really suitable for this job.

"It's getting late, my lord, it's time to go back to General Dianwei and set up camp." Zhao Yun suggested.

Liu Ke nodded in agreement.

After all, Heideng wandered blindly on the grassland, and it was easy to meet unfriendly grassland people.

The scouts did not find a suitable place to camp, so they had to camp in the open wilderness.

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