Countless people fell down bloody.

"Damn it, stop them!"

Himi Saninura also knew that his subordinates wouldn't last long, but they shouldn't be so vulnerable.

According to this advance speed, it is better to break through directly from the south gate.

In this way, they may be ambushed by the Han people and suffer heavy losses, but the generals will definitely be able to survive.

Himi Saninura felt a little regretful.

"You idiots, let the slaves stand on top, if you can't stand it, you will all die."

Just after Himi Saninuluo finished cursing, someone yelled:

"It's not good! It's not good! The south gate is blocked!"

Now that he decided to break through from the west gate, Himi Saninura naturally lowered the guard at the south gate, so he never took it to heart.

But ordinary soldiers are different!

In their minds, even if they couldn't beat them, they could still escape from the south gate.

Now that the south gate is closed, what should they do?

Himi Saninura was close to scolding his mother, but in fact he had already done so in his heart.

"Breakthrough from the west gate!"

He kept emphasizing that the soldiers under his command should accept this reality.

However, panic still arose.

"Damn Han Chinese, why did you attack us?" Himi Saninura growled.

It's a pity that no one answered his words.

The smell of blood rushed to the face, and the slaves who rushed up were killed and injured.

"I can not be reconciled!"

Himi Saninura yelled.

In the desperate situation, the soldiers of the Gonu Kingdom broke out with [-]% combat effectiveness.

For survival!


From the rear, the Chishui Army outflanked and crowded nearly [-] people into the narrow streets.

"General Gan, why did you do this?" Zhou Bu doubted.

The dog slave country did not commit any crimes against the Han people.

Would it be too much for Gan Ning to do this?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gan Ning smiled and looked at Zhou Buyi.

"Things are not as simple as you think."

"I would also like to ask General Gan to enlighten me!" Zhou Buyi said respectfully. After following Gan Ning on the expedition, he felt that his brain was not working well, and his ingenuity could not keep up.

"This continent does not allow the emergence of a unified and powerful regime. When we attack Yamatai, the Gonu will stand up and fight against us. Therefore, while attacking Yamatai, we must also weaken Gonu country."

This reason is certainly correct, but the real reason is probably because the Gou Nu Country is too weak!

Weak enough that the Chishui Army can be destroyed by raising a hand.

However, between countries, the law of the jungle is prey to the strong, and only talking about mercy is rotten Confucianism.

Zhou Buyi could accept such an explanation.

"Bastard, hold on."

Himi Saninuluo roared: "The Han people are not scary, as long as we are united!"

"Come on, break through their blockade!"

The two sides fought fiercely again, and everyone became ruthless.

Especially the soldiers of the Gonu Kingdom, they knew that if they didn't try their best, the only thing that would meet them was death.

"Come with me!"

Himi Saninura roared angrily, he was very close to the west gate, and could already be seen across the block.

He slammed his horse, took the lead, and rushed to the blockade with several warriors at the first time, followed by tens of thousands of Gonu Kingdom soldiers.

"Damn it, we can't let them pass!" The captain of the Chishui Army was so startled that his voice became sharp.

The Chishui Army has the reputation of being an elite, if even the Gonu Kingdom can't stop it, it will be too cheap.


With every roar, the killing continued to escalate.

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