After escaping all the way, Himi Saninura also discovered a problem.

The number of Gonu country soldiers has an advantage!

So, he thought of a way and shouted in Japanese: "Run separately! Separate!"

The soldiers of the Goonu Kingdom are all honest farmers.

Although they were defeated, they would not abandon their lord easily and followed Himi Saninuluo all the time.

Are they too kind and too loyal?

how can that be.

Once they lose their lord, or break away from the large army, they fall into foreign lands.

What awaits them is an extremely tragic end, that is, being captured by the army of other countries and becoming slaves.

They are farmers now and still very status quo.Once a slave, life is simply dark.

Of course, they can also choose to become robbers.

However, the robbers who were caught had an even more miserable end.Therefore, they followed Himi Saninura closely, even if they ran slowly, they would be slaughtered.

Now Himi Saninura actually ordered everyone to run separately, and everyone hesitated for a while.

"If you don't run separately, are you waiting to die?"

Himi Saninuluo babbled a lot again, and finally bluffed his subordinates.

Gan Ning was enjoying the kill, when he saw Himi Sanguluo stop, he didn't know what he was shouting.He had a bad premonition in his heart, and he trusted his intuition.

So he didn't even think about it, and immediately started provoking.

"Sangouluo, the Gonu Kingdom is so vulnerable, then I will unceremoniously beat it to the court of the Gonu King!"

Faced with Gan Ning's provocation, Himi Sanguro didn't say a word, let alone being fooled, he took a deep look at Gan Ning and sneered back.


Himi Saninura gave an order, and the remaining [-] soldiers scattered and fled in all directions.

"Damn, trouble."

Seeing the enemy fleeing in all directions, Gan Ning's face changed drastically. What he wanted was annihilation.

Are you going to run away halfway now?

That being the case, it can only chase after the enemy commander.

"The cavalry is going to chase the others, and the three dogs will be handed over to me!"

Gan Ning ordered decisively, he didn't believe that Sangouluo could run out of his palm.

Seeing Gan Ning lingering, Himi Sanguluo was shocked and angry.

"Go away, you insist on chasing Benwo, go, go, Benwo is not afraid of you!"

At this moment, he wished that Gan Ning would give up chasing him and rush in other directions.

Gan Ning completely ignored San Quan Luo's provocation and set his sights on a target.

I still want to escape from his palm, it is absolutely impossible.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A warrior from the Gonu Kingdom was roaring, commanding his cronies to resist the attack of the Chishui Army.

I don't know what benefits Himi Saninuluo gave him to make him work so hard.

Even with his command, the cronies still suffered heavy casualties, but they were not defeated and vaguely blocked the Chishui Army.


He yelled frantically.

When Gan Ning came, the Gonu country warriors who were commanding were caught off guard and were cut off by Gan Ning.

It's just a simple trick.

Seeing his capable general was beheaded by Gan Ning with a single knife, it had a huge impact on Himi Saninuluo.

Especially the soldiers of the Gonu Kingdom, who saw this scene, didn't know what to do, lost the confidence to resist, their legs softened, and they were soon overtaken by the Chishui army, defeated and scattered in all directions.

There are fewer and fewer guards around Himi Saninura.

Now he regretted that he shouldn't disperse and run away.

Not scattered, only ordinary soldiers died.

Before the ordinary soldiers died, Himi Saninura was still very safe.

But now... What a wrong decision!

Regret is too late.

"Damn Han army!"

Seeing the Chishui army chasing him more and more closely, Himi Saninuluo roared angrily. He knew that the Han people would not let him go.

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