Seemingly seeing Zhang He's resentment, Liu Ke said, "Leave three thousand armor and weapons!"

Zhang He could only take orders.

"Why do you go back to Dongyang with such a mournful face, are you afraid you won't be able to make up for it?" Liu Ke said angrily.

Only then did Zhang He realize that he cared too much, and instead got into a dead end.

"Determining a dare you do that?" Liu Yu said.

"Youzhou is originally a place of bitter cold, and Brother Bo'an guards this place for the sake of the country and the people, how can I be stingy?" Liu Ke said seriously, and finally he added with emotion, "Everything is for the big man! "

Liu Yu was so moved, the Han Dynasty is in its infancy, and there are not many people who treat the Han Dynasty sincerely!

Hearing that foreign races invaded the border, only Liu Ke traveled thousands of miles to come to support him.Dong Zhuo, who sits in Luoyang, has [-] troops, what kind of support did he give?

No fart!

Liu Yu is really tired and alone, and now he has finally found a like-minded friend, who is also a member of the Han family!

Moreover, Liu Ke is far superior to him, and is a legendary five-good youth.

Liu Ke spoke again:

"I'll give you another ten thousand horses! Fifty thousand cattle and sheep!"

what? !

Happiness came so suddenly, Liu Yu couldn't believe it for a moment.

"It's... not very good."

"My brother, what kind of outsider are you?" Liu Ke said generously.

There is no way, too many have been seized, and they will definitely not be able to carry them all.Where does so much fodder come from?

Therefore, Liu Ke plans to sell all the way, and in the end half of them will reach Yangzhou to be Amitabha.Besides, he also needs Liu Yu's help in collecting fodder.

Sure enough, Guangyang County started to move after a random punch, and countless manpower and material resources were spent in it.

Liu Yu also made a special appearance on the imperial family and recorded Liu Ke's name in the genealogy.As the previous Zongzheng, he still has a very wide network of contacts, and with the help of Emperor Xian, this matter passed without any hindrance.

After all, the first emperor recognized Liu Ke's identity, and now it's just a proof.

In this way, Liu Ke's position as a clan member of the Han family became even more unshakable.

When Liu Ke left, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Youzhou jointly sent him out of the country.

Some people even asked Liu Ke to stay.

Liu Ke didn't expose the little Jiujiu in their hearts, how could he stay here, Yangzhou is his territory.

"After this trip, I don't know when we will meet again!" Liu Yu said with emotion.

"Brother Bo'an, you don't have to worry about this. It's better to expand your army as soon as possible. For food, we can open up commercial routes from Yangzhou to transport it." Liu Ke said.

Now the food in Yangzhou is simply too much to eat!

This is also Liu Ke's confidence in raising these hundreds of thousands of livestock, otherwise, people would not be able to eat enough, let alone livestock.

However, Liu Ke had a bold idea.

That is shipping!

As long as the big ship is built, Yangzhou and Youzhou can be connected.

As soon as he had this idea, the system responded.

"Congratulations on completing the task of expelling aliens!"

"Congratulations on getting the galleon blueprint!"

Liu Ke waited silently for a long time, and couldn't help being disappointed. Why is there only one reward for this main mission?

It wasn't until he checked out the description of the galleon that he knew it was worth the money.

Galen sailboats generally have 4 masts, the front two masts are hung with rail sails, and the rear two masts are hung with jib sails.

The general standard length is 46m-55m, the displacement is 300-1000 tons, there are several long decks, and the poop is very high.

The large Galen stern deck has 7 floors, a displacement of 2000 tons, and a draft of 8 meters.

What Liu Ke valued was its stability and endurance. The galleon was once a treasure ship that ruled the world by Spain. Its main task was to transport large quantities of goods or soldiers across the Atlantic Ocean.

As a traveler, Liu Ke certainly knows what the sea means.However, the matter of sailing still needs to be slowly prepared.

Reining in his thoughts, Liu Ke warned Liu Yu a few words, and then began to return to the south.

"Be careful of Gongsun Zan!" Liu Yu muttered these words in a daze.

At the same time, Gongsun Zan also learned that Liu Ke gave Youzhou Mu armored horse as a gift, and it was still a free gift!

Can't help but hate it!

He didn't dare to hate Liu Ke, after all there was no conflict of interest, Liu Yu would be different.

What is he?

Gongsun Yue was even more indignant, they were willing to share some of the credit with Dongyang Hou, but he was unwilling to do so just for a mere battle horse.It's fine if you don't want to. At this time, sending a large amount of supplies to Liu Yu blatantly, isn't it slapping his lord Gongsun Zan in the face?

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