Seeing Nan Shengmi continue to evade and continue to be a coward, Inoue felt anxious and said loudly:

"National teacher, the general can't take it anymore, the brothers can't take it, the soldiers can't take it anymore. If this goes on, not only the prestige of the national teacher will be lost, but the subordinates will not be able to hold their heads up."

Nan Shengmi's heart sank, he knew that his forbearance these days made his subordinates very dissatisfied, and the warrior's fighting spirit was easily drained.

At that time, everyone doesn't want to fight anymore. Do you want to defend the city yourself?

Morale matters!

"it is good!"

Facing the expectant eyes of the warriors, Nan Shengmi nodded slowly, and said: "The Han people are too bullying, and our country's teachers are incompatible with them."

"But since you want to fight, you must be absolutely sure..."

Before Nan Shengmi could finish speaking, the crowd suddenly became angry.

"National Teacher, give me a soldier and horse, and if I don't kill the Han people, I will die on this battlefield!"

"Why are you going? I'm going too!"

"What's the noise? Can't we go together?"

Nan Shengmi watched them quarrel coldly, without saying a word.

He agreed to fight, already to give face to the warriors, now he refuses to listen to the arrangement and interrupts his order.

It's disrespectful to him!

Of course, Nanshengmi didn't have a good face.

Seeing this, Inoue coughed quickly, and everyone fell silent.

This made Nan Shengmi's heart tremble, and his vigilance increased greatly. Unexpectedly, Inoue had established such prestige in such a short period of time.

"General Inoue will command [-] troops to fight!"

"Five thousand people? So few? We have [-] people, why don't we go together?" Some warriors couldn't understand it, and questioned Nan Shengmi.

Inoue knew that this was going to be a bad thing, and finally got a chance to fight, so he couldn't let it be destroyed.

"Go away! Master Guoshi speaks, do you have the part to intervene?"

Nan Shengmi gave Inoue a meaningful look, but did not continue speaking.

After Inoue received the order, he immediately ordered five thousand soldiers and killed them.

"General! General!"

Seeing Boduo Town playing, Zhou Buyi was very happy. When it comes to ridicule, he is the patriarch.

"Fortunately, the enemy has come out."

Of course Ding Feng also saw it, and he was ecstatic in his heart, mmp, after waiting for several days, he finally let the bastard out of his anger.

However, in order to maintain his commander-in-chief demeanor, Ding Feng only nodded slightly on his face.

"Yes, do you know who came out? Is it Nanshengmi?"

Nan Shengmi is an important figure in Yamatai Kingdom, so Ding Feng has certain information.

"It's not difficult to raise rice, the leader is a general." Zhou Buyi judged it at a glance.

"It's not difficult to raise rice..." Ding Feng's eyes flashed a hint of disappointment.

He also thought that Nanshengmi would come out in full force, and then he would be able to take Hakata Town in one fell swoop.

Now it seems that Nanshengmi is very cunning and will not take risks easily.

If he can be dealt with, Bodo Town will be leaderless, and with the siege equipment that Ding Feng is preparing now, it will be easy to conquer.

It's a pity that it is difficult to grow like an old tortoise, and it still continues to hide in Hakata Town.

But Ding Feng was not too disappointed, he had to eat the meal bite by bite.

From the fact that Nanshengmi was huddled in the city before, to sending generals to fight today, it shows that Nanshengmi also has a temper, and it is difficult to bear it.

Ding Feng believes that as long as he continues to taunt, Nan Shengmi will one day be unable to bear it and will come out with all his strength.

"Mosquito legs are also meat, hehe, this is [-] people, it's not bad to eat them all!" Ding Feng said excitedly to the left and right.

Everyone smiled.

For everyone in the Bohai Fleet, they naturally wanted to make great contributions.

"General, you can't do will lose the big because of small things."

Zhou Buyi had his own considerations, so he suggested to Ding Feng in a low voice.

After hearing this, Ding Feng was puzzled and depressed, and said:

"Why, isn't this a good time to attack the enemy?"

If Hakata Town is a bastard, Nan Shengmi's head is shrunk in the city, and now he has a foot sticking out.Of course Ding Feng wanted to chop it off.

"After being reported by the soldiers in charge of mocking, Nan Shengmi only appeared on the top of the city two or three times. What does this mean?"

"Nan Shengmi is very forbearing. The reason why Hakata Town played this time is because he can't control his subordinates!"

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