
While commanding the troops, Inoue roared at Ding Feng, he wished he could tear Ding Feng into pieces.

How dare the defeated general dare to be so arrogant?

With a sound of "clang", the big knife in Ding Feng's hand was hit by Inoue, and his hands pretended to shake three times.

"damn it!"

Ding Feng cursed, turned around and ran away.

"The clothes are for you!"

As before, when Ding Feng ran away, he did not forget to turn his head and mock Inoue.


Inoue gave orders loudly, and the whole army pursued him. This time, he must win.

The samurai and peasant soldiers of Yamatai Kingdom saw Inoue's bravery, their morale was immediately boosted, they screamed, and the more they chased, the more excited they became.

While running, Ding Feng estimated the time and listened to the movement.

After a while, a black mass of cavalry appeared in the sky, and the rumble of horseshoes tore the ground apart.


In this battle, Ding Feng joined forces with Ma Chao to fight a big battle.

He is determined to eat [-] Japanese people.


Inoue spoke to reassure people. Didn't they also defeat the ambush last time?

Therefore, no matter how many Han people come, they are just giving him military exploits.

The Yamatai army did not retreat but advanced.

Seeing this, Ding Feng roared angrily, and said, "Stop pretending to be a grandson, give it to me, and get rid of these Japanese people!"

The continuous showing of weakness had already made them hold their breath, and now the opportunity to regain their position came.


Soon, there were fierce shouts of killing around, and countless Han troops rushed from all directions.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just hearing the sound, Inoue showed a puzzled look.

There is also an invincible momentum rising among the Han army!

The rumbling war drums were beating vigorously in the army formation. Accompanied by dense drumbeats, countless neat footsteps stepped on the ground, making a sound of trampling.

The Han army advanced towards the lonely and messy army in the middle of the field at an extremely rapid and united pace.

The mighty footsteps shook the ground, and the smoke and dust filled the field of vision. It was obvious that the Han army was less than [-], but it gave people the illusion that the sky was covering the sun.

On the battlefield, the morale and confidence of the peasant soldiers in Yamatai fell to the bottom.

This is still the pressure given by the infantry.

In the distance, roaring horseshoes criss-cross the field.

The Han Chinese cavalry wandering somewhere has always been a blade hanging in the heart of Bodo Town.

With a team of [-] people, they pierced through the phalanx of [-] people, and beheaded Yamadai Commander Himyue in front of [-] people.

As an army with considerable combat effectiveness among the Han people, the cavalry is the greatest threat, and Ma Chao is the greatest threat.

Now that the two armies are converging, the momentum created seems to destroy the world.

Inoue was stunned. Where did he get the confidence to defeat such a powerful army?

Before going out for the expedition, he had sworn to it... But now, he was dumbfounded.

He is so sorry!So sorry!


Some samurai suggested that Inoue retreat. They were frightened, really frightened.

Gritting his teeth, Inoue drew his sword and beheaded the samurai who flinched.


Inoue threatened everyone, and now there is only one way to escape.

"General, the Japanese are scared stupid!" A school lieutenant said to Ding Feng.

Ding Feng didn't answer in a hurry, he raised his eyes and glanced at the Japanese phalanx in front of him, and with just one glance, he knew that he had won.

However, what he wants is not this victory, but Hakata Town!

Ding Feng dismounted from his horse, drew his sword and walked in the formation. Xiematai had no cavalry, so he could do without horses.

As for the task of assault and pursuit, it can be handed over to Ma Chao's cavalry.

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