"How did you agree to my teacher!"

Nan Shengmi's cold words carried an unquestionable tone.

"Close the gates!"

"National teacher, do you want to wait?"

"Wait, you, m!"

Nan Shengmi stared at the warriors at the city gate, and spat out every word with a strong killing intent.

The scalp of the city gate warrior who was being stared at was numb, he knew how much he was, but he was just a small person, but Nan Shengmi couldn't even remember his name.

If he dared to disobey, Nan Shengmi would definitely kill him.

"If the Han people rush in, you will die, and you!" Nan Shengmi pointed at one side and pointed at the other.

Among them, the one who most agreed with Nan Shengmi's order turned out to be the defeated Japanese soldiers who had just fled into the city.

"The national teacher asked you to close the door, did you hear that?"

"You don't listen to the orders of the national teacher, do you want to rebel?"

"Close... close the gate!" The warriors at the city gate quickly issued an order.

What?close the door?

I haven't gone in yet!

As soon as this order came out, there was an explosive commotion among the deserters outside the city.

"Can't close the door!"

The soldiers outside the city shouted and squeezed desperately inside.

"My lord, it can't be closed...my brother is still outside!" Some soldiers in the city were also very anxious.

"Shut up!"

Nan Shengmi had already heard the sound of horseshoes, so he roared directly: "The blocker, kill directly!"

Once the chasing soldiers came, Bodo Town would be in danger.

At this time, only a part of the victims can be selected.

And it was the soldiers who fled before who carried out Nan Shengmi's order. They snatched the defenders' spears and raised them to advance towards the gate of the city.

Countless people were caught off guard and were stabbed to death.

They just pushed the body forward, to make room, to close the gate.

"Fuck, do you all want to die? If you don't want to die, come and help me!"

Immediately afterwards, countless people rushed up, three or four people pushed the spears, and some people even directly pushed the corpses pierced by the spears.

Some people think that this is not enough, so they directly lift the three-to-four-meter-long wood weighing a hundred catties, and join the ranks of pushing people.

"Hey! Hey!"

They worked together to break out the limit of the human body, and they really succeeded.

The moment the city gate was closed, everyone showed the joy of escaping from death.

"Ha ha!"

The people inside the city are laughing and laughing, while the people outside the city are gloomy.

"Say! We were born and died for the Yamatai Kingdom, but in the end we were abandoned like this. We don't accept it."

They slammed on the city gate desperately and shouldered it.

"Why close the door? Why?"

Suddenly, many soldiers struggled and wanted to open the city gate, because many of their relatives and friends were outside.

Seeing this scene, Nan Shengmi's expression changed immediately.

"Quick, stop them!"

Nan Shengmi never expected that the people on his side would be so ignorant of the overall situation.

Maybe it was the Han people who disguised themselves as soldiers on their side and sneaked in.

However, there were too many soldiers shouting, and it was difficult to hold them accountable, so he could only order: "Anyone who dares to talk nonsense will be killed without mercy."

"The door is closed to protect everyone, otherwise everyone will be finished!"

At the same time, Nan Shengmi was condescending, his stern eyes scanned the audience, and he would throw anyone who dared to refute.

"Come on, open the city gate and let my brother in."

"Let's do it together!"

A samurai shouted loudly, constantly encouraging the soldiers to continue to open the city gate.

"Damn! They must have been bought by the Han people and killed them."

As soon as Nan Shengmi made a sound, the city gate warriors killed the rebel soldiers who tried to open the city gate.

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