The mighty cavalry swept past like waves.

"Don't come here!"

Maeda stabbed the horse's butt frantically, and the horse galloped in pain.

This is the beloved horse bestowed upon him by Queen Himiko. In order to take care of this noble war horse, he executed more than a dozen slaves who were not well cared for.

But now, he frantically hurt his mount in an attempt to gain speed.


Run away!

It's a pity that I still can't escape.

An arrow flew past countless heads and hit Maeda's neck accurately. He clutched his neck, bleeding uncontrollably.

Then he fell off the horse with a bang, and was trampled bloody and bloody by countless horseshoes rushing up, and finally turned into complete mud.

Seeing this scene, Nan Shengmi was terrified.

"Escape! Run away!"

The personal guard samurai came to his senses and ran away carrying the difficult rice.The four grabbed Nan Shengmi's hands and feet, and stepped out of the shadow with ding ding, looking very funny.

But seeing this scene, no one could laugh.

Ma Chao galloped over, and stopped in front of Nan Shengmi.

"Keep running away!"


cried the four warriors in horror.

Ma Chao was riding on horseback, not bothering to see the opponent's gnashing of teeth, and tightened the reins.

"What are you talking about, you don't want my time, it's hard to raise rice, are you going to surrender, or just become a corpse?"

Nan Shengmi reluctantly ordered his subordinates to put him down. At this point, can he still resist?

Ma Chao rode his horse and rushed over, snapping off Mi's hamstring, which was difficult to rise.

"Isn't it good enough to run?"

Nan Shengmi wailed in pain, and the four warriors rushed towards Ma Chao.

Ma Chao raised his gun, and the four of them became corpses.

Nan Shengmi showed a look of despair.

Seeing that there were more and more enemies around, Ma Chao slipped away, put Nanshengmi on the horse's back, and then walked away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What? The national teacher was taken away?!"

When Fujiwara heard the news, he froze on the spot.

He seems to have heard a very funny joke!

This time, he led an army of [-] to support Hakata Town, and suddenly encountered difficulties fleeing, and wanted to save him as a favor.

But now not only is the favor gone, he is also like a waste, broken through the formation by a thousand people, and among the ten thousand people, Nan Shengmi was taken away.

How the hell should I explain this to Her Majesty the Queen?

Fujiwara gathered a lot of broken soldiers in Hakata Town, and has already learned the latest news.

The town of Hakata is lost!

Fujiwara, who was in danger, escaped from Hakata Town, escaped across a plain, and fled into his arms.

And the Han army snatched Nan Shengmi from his arms abruptly!

What is it all about? !

Fujiwara almost cried!

If he had thought earlier that Hakata Town had fallen, he would have saved Nan Shengmi at all costs.

Because the latter will bear all the responsibilities, including Her Majesty's wrath, which will also be poured on him.

But Nan Shengmi was taken away!

He is free!

Fujiwara can't escape by himself!

Her Majesty is right behind, but it's only half a day's journey, how can I explain to Her Majesty?

It can't be said that this was an accident...

[-] people can't protect Nansheng rice, damn it, the Han people seem to be stronger!

At the beginning, their army of [-] invaded Han Qingzhou, no matter what they could fight back and forth with them.

Now, Hirado Castle is lost, and the queen's half-brother Takehiko is captured.

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