The [-] Bohai Fleet Marines are the rear guard.

Ding Feng was unwilling at first, but was suppressed by Gan Ning.

"Let the army of the dog slave country be the vanguard, wouldn't it lower the morale of our army?"

"Excuse me, does the army of the dog slave country have anything to do with us?"

Ding Feng was directly confused, but he understood what Gan Ning meant.

The dog slave country is the dog slave country!

The Han army is the Han army!

From the beginning, Gan Ning did not regard the army of the Gonu Kingdom as a help, but a tool to consume the enemy's strength.

Arrange them in the back.Isn't it putting the cart before the horse?

Therefore, Ding Feng could only obey obediently.

In the army formation, Gan Ning, as the commander, was the supreme commander in this battle, and he was in charge of the main formation of the Chinese army.

Ding Feng, the chief admiral of the Bohai Fleet, was sitting in the rear, waiting for orders.

As for the [-] cavalry, Gan Ning directly gave Ma Chao the opportunity to charge into the battlefield.

With Ma Chao's strength, there is no need for Gan Ning to worry.

After the horn sounded, the generals returned to their positions and commanded the battle.

At this time, Himi Saninura, who was in the front army, had slowly drawn out the saber from his waist.

Himi Saninuluo has rich combat experience, and he is also a famous general on Kyushu Island.

But in the face of such a great war that overwhelmed the country, he was inevitably a little apprehensive.

In the final analysis, it was because of the strength of Yamatai that made Himi Saninuluo feel his scalp tingling.

If it weren't for the Han army right behind him, he would have been scared to pee.

Gan Ning didn't give him any instructions, but just said calmly, "Just go up and fight."

"Soldiers of the Dog Nu Kingdom, fear nothing!"

Himi Saninura encouraged himself, since he had chosen this path, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go on.

As the two armies continued to advance, gradually, the distance between them was less than a hundred feet.

Himi Saninura could clearly see the details of the Yamatai army on the opposite side. From the color and quality of the armor, he could easily tell how many slaves there were, how many peasants, soldiers, and samurai there were.

Among these three types of arms, there are also some soldiers with mixed armor and uniform military appearance.

They are royal guards.

The combat ability is higher than that of peasant soldiers, and the status is lower than that of samurai.

They can be called quasi-samurai, and their number is about [-].

The number of warriors is five thousand.

This power is enough to destroy the world!

At least Himi Saninuluo is very scared, very scared.

No wonder the Yamatai Kingdom dared to fight the Han people. It turned out that there was such a reliance.

The first thing Himi Saninura had to face was the peasant soldiers who didn't even have armor. They only had a spear that didn't look very good.

It is to use a long stick with a sharp weapon attached to one end.

There are also many kinds of sharp weapons, some are sharp stones, and some are just sharpened long sticks. Only rich peasant soldiers are eligible to use a small piece of metal iron.

"Fortunately not a samurai."

Himi Saninura rejoiced secretly, and immediately, his eyes subconsciously looked for flaws in the formation of peasant soldiers on the opposite side.

As a result, no flaws were found.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Himi Saninura looked at the peasant soldiers in his family. Whether they were shirtless middle-aged men or thin young men, their emotions were far less calm and calm than those of Yamatai.

Being so close, Himi Saninura could feel the panic and fear in the hearts of his subordinates.

He could even faintly see the hands of many farmers and soldiers holding weapons, as if trembling slightly.

On the Yamatai side, there is Queen Himiko to boost morale, but the Gonu Kingdom does not have such a great queen.

Himi Saninuluo saw this and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"Are you so timid?"

"Are you still a soldier of our dog slave country?"

"Look at who is behind us? There are Han people here, are you afraid of a ghost?"

"Those who are timid will die, but only those who are brave will survive!"

Sure enough, the crowd fell silent.

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