When the team grows, all kinds of ideas come out.

It is no longer the pure small group that Liu Ke led at the beginning.

Look at Guo Jia, Xu Shu and others, what a good education, they all unconditionally support Liu Ke's decision.

In some respects, it can also give pertinent opinions.

Officials like Yu Fan are not close to Liu Ke, but they are different from mediocre people. They have their own ideas.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Ke ignored it, and as time passed, no one mentioned it anymore.

It's just that Yu Fan's status is relatively high, and Liu Ke couldn't refuse when he came to kill him.

Compared with Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and other later Jin generations, Yu Fan joined Liu Ke's camp for a very long time, with high qualifications. He is also a great Confucian in Yangzhou, and his influence is not weaker than that of Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong.

Liu Ke asked Yu Fan to go to Yamatai, but he wanted to make things difficult for him and let him back out without any other intention.

But now, Yu Fan agreed without hesitation, but Liu Ke felt embarrassed.

Could it be that he wants to be a villain?

After Liu Ke thought about it, he had a draft in his heart.

"Okay, the expeditionary army has captured Hirado Castle, and I'm worried that there are no officials to appoint, so I will let you be the prefect."


Yu Fan almost spit out his old blood. If he could accept the post of envoy reluctantly, he would be the prefect of Hirado City...it would be his death.

What is the difference between this and exile in disguise?

Where is Yamatai?

Birds don't shit!

Hirado City is even more miserable than Liaodong, and Mao didn't even have it.

There are still various livestock, ginseng, and fur businesses in Liaodong, all of which are products needed in the south.

But Hirado City... Yu Fan didn't dare to compliment him.

Moreover, this so-called prefect ruled not the Han people, but the chattering Japanese.

If you don't understand the language, how can you rule?

"Hasn't Confucianism always preached enlightenment? If the Yamatai Kingdom can seize our ship once, there will be a second and third time. I thought about it, and simply educated them all. Your task is to let them know that the big man is the master. , They are ministers, they must be honest. When the task is completed, when will you come back." Liu Ke said.

Yu Fan turned pale with fright, this was not the result he wanted, this was not the path he wanted to take.

But Liu Ke didn't mean to be joking.

"Can it be done?"

Under Liu Ke's pressing, cold sweat broke out on Yu Fan's forehead.

"If you can't do it, forget it, you can go back."

The three words "I can't do it" deeply stimulated Yu Fan's heart, he straightened his neck and said:

"This subordinate is willing to be the prefect!"

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll give you the power to supervise the army. If Gan Ning really burns, kills, and loots in Yamatai, you can play it. I will never let you go lightly."

First he was relegated to be the prefect of Dongying, and then he also served as the supervisor of the army. He played a hand of cards, which caught Yu Fan off guard.

When he cleared his mind, everything was a foregone conclusion.

Now Yu Fan was confused, so he had to find his friend Kan Ze to discuss.

"What? As the prefect of Hirado Castle?"

Kan Ze was also shocked. He had read the battle report and knew where Hirado Castle was located.

"I'm going to find King Dongyang and make him change his mind!"

"No need, I've already agreed, and it's impossible to change it," Yu Fan said.

Yu Fan can't do things that go back and forth.

"But, do you really want to go to Yamatai? What about your wife and children?" Kan Ze said excitedly.

"The lord also appointed me as the supervisor of the army. Maybe I will be able to follow the army when the army returns." Yu Fan said.

Things have come to this point, we can only think of the bright side.

Kan Ze roared again and again: "You are so confused! You are so confused!"

Yu Fan was stunned by the scolding, why did his friend suddenly get angry?

"Who is Gan Ning? He is a Jiang bandit! The army he led slaughtered countless people. Especially in the battle of Liucheng, blood flowed like rivers, and Wuhuan was afraid when he saw him!"

"You go to be a supervisor for such a person. If he is unhappy, he can just find a reason and kill you directly, and you can't resist!"

"At that time, the lord will only punish him, but you will die!"

Could it be that this is the purpose of the lord, to kill someone with a knife?

Yu Fan couldn't help wondering, but he quickly shook his head.

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