Two legs can't run with four!

He patted his mount tightly, came to the front, pointed at the cavalry with a whip and reprimanded loudly: "Have you forgotten the great enmity between General Tiangong and General Rengong?"

Everyone mustered up their courage.

Great, morale is available!For a while, swords and guns were raised like a forest, which was very majestic.

Zhang Baiqi laughed three times, let the storm come more violently!

However, when the cavalry approached, Zhang Baiqi couldn't help but gasp, the darkness was like a tide, and its momentum was overwhelming. The two leading generals were Lu Bu and Dian Wei.

Zhang Baiqi was terrified, the three souls ran away and two souls escaped, fighting desperately in panic.

The Montenegro formation was cut open like tofu, and in a blink of an eye, more than half of the men and horses had been lost.

Zhang Baiqi shot a false shot, turned around and fled. Suddenly, a group of men and horses came out from left and right. The two leading generals, one with a sword and the other with a halberd, blocked his way.

Zhang Baiqi was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he shouted: "No! The Dongyang army is coming, Zhang Yan, save me!"

However, how could Zhang Yan hear it?

Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd pierced Zhang Baiqi's heart, and Dian Wei's sword cut off Zhang Baiqi's head.

The two each snorted coldly, regardless of the outcome.

Zhang Baiqi's [-] army was strewn with corpses, and only a few dozen people escaped.

When the news reached Zhang Yan, it was too late to rescue him, his face was pale with anger, and he was drenched in cold sweat with fright.

[-] troops, just such a short time, is it gone?

I hate that white knight, who didn't know where to hide, and went straight to intercept him on the official road.

What can we do now?

So, he immediately edited a letter and gave it to Liu Ke, saying that he was just passing by, Zhang Baiqi had ulterior motives, and he deserved to die.

What's more, his subordinates hung a white flag and retreated a hundred miles.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ever since he came to Jizhou, Yuan Shao has managed to flourish with the help of the reputation of the family of the fourth generation and the third father.

Especially later, Liu Yu took the initiative to guarantee and negotiate peace between Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo, so that Yuan Shao was recognized by the court, which was even more remarkable.

The most important point is that Huangfusong was summoned back to Luoyang to serve as a senior official, and the vacated Jizhou Mu made it easier for Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao was ambitious, and made drastic reforms as soon as he came up, and even got the support of the aristocratic family.

There are also a lot of talents under the tent, Wu Youyan Liang, Wen Chou, Wen You Fengji, Tian Feng, Shenpei, Guo Tu, Jushou and so on.

However, Yuan Shao, who is living so comfortably, also has troubles, because he and Gongsun Zan are at odds!

Usually he can't feel it, but when he wants to develop cavalry, he knows the pain.

No horses!Develop shitty cavalry!

Youzhou is rich in horses, but they would rather transport them to Yangzhou than sell them to you!

Are you angry?

Just today, a hundred thousand horses fell from the sky, can you not be tempted?

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the hall.

"Fat is in your mouth, it's a pity if you don't eat it!" Yan Liang said with a chuckle.

"Let's leave it to the general!" Wen Chou also yelled and jumped out.

Yuan Shao laughed in response, as expected he was very moved.

"My lord, this move is tantamount to taking food from a tiger's mouth, very unwise!" Feng Ji objected.

"Liu Dingfang is famous all over the world, his prestige is no less than that of the lord, and he is sitting in a state, with strong soldiers and horses, why bother to offend him." Tian Feng shook his head and said.

Seeing that the two counselors objected, Yuan Shao also began to hesitate, pacing back and forth.

It seems that he is still unwilling to give up easily, because the cavalry is too important.

Guo Tu believed that he had grasped the mind of the lord, and he spoke out in support: "Yangzhou Mu has a million soldiers, but I can't help you. Don't forget, this is Jizhou! Yangzhou Mu has no more than [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, so there is nothing to be afraid of." .”

Tian Feng warned: "Think about the black mountain bandits sending hundreds of thousands of troops, what will happen?"

"Master Tian's words are wrong. The black bandit is a yellow scarf. Don't you know what fighting power it is?" Yan Liang asked with a frown.

Wen Chou also echoed a few words.

"What about the foreign race?!" Feng Ji snorted coldly, these two pig heads knew how to make military achievements without looking at who the opponent was.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou's expressions changed suddenly, but they didn't know how to refute, so they fell silent.

It's not like they don't know the cruelty of alien races!

At this time, Yuan Shao turned his face to inspect the crowd, and said loudly: "We will discuss this matter again."

Yuan Shao was quite calm, and the meaning of the re-discussion was to stop thinking about it. After a while, Liu Ke would leave the border of Jizhou.

There's no way, Liu Ke's murderous reputation was earned.

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