Liu Ke rolled his eyes, he knew that his daughter would be so happy.

The little girl is just thinking carefully.

Let her go shopping alone, it will definitely be boring.

Dongyang City is a big city to other people, but to native people, it's just that, nothing new.

However, after Liu Kedean issued the mission, the situation was different.

The little girl will think that she can help her father.

"Don't get too used to that brat Feng'er!"

Liu Ke did not forget to ask, after all, in his opinion, Liu Feng just cannot relax his disciplining temperament, once he relaxes, it will be very difficult to get back to his state.

If he hadn't found an opportunity, Liu Ke would have planned to guide him personally and torment him a lot.

For example, in the case of ensuring efficiency, study for a while, rest for a while, and combine work and rest.

"My brother is very smart and self-disciplined." While Liu Wu was happy, she also did not forget to defend her little staff officer.

Hearing this, Liu Ke smiled, rolled his eyes wordlessly, and didn't bother to refute anything.

Just as long as the girl is happy.

Liu Wu, who was about to tell the good news to her younger brother, got up to say goodbye to Liu Ke. When she walked to the door, she seemed to suddenly think of something. She poked her head over and asked suspiciously:

"Father, what's the matter with you and your aunt? Did you quarrel?"

"..." Liu Ke was stunned.

Are the kids taking too much care?

Zhao Yu is very sensible, and Liu Ke has never argued with her since they got married.

Occasionally, there are some things about Liu Feng, and they are just discussed with each other, and sometimes they are left to Liu Ke.

For example, Liu Feng's martial arts training, and this time's leave.

So, Liu Ke was puzzled and said: "Wu'er, why do you think so?"

"Because you have been sleeping in the study for the past few days and have not gone back... Did you do something excessive that made her angry?"

Liu Wu put on the tone of an elder reprimanding a junior, and said old-fashionedly:

"That's not okay, you can't do this... Uh, a man, shouldn't you be more generous?——That's what my brother often says."

Misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding, Liu Ke is lazy, if he goes back late at night, Zhao Yu will definitely get up and serve Liu Ke here and there.

――Wash your feet and face or something.

There is no artistic conception of falling asleep when you are sleepy!

Liu Ke deliberately showed an exaggerated expression of horror, and teased her daughter: "When did I make her angry?"

As expected, Liu Wu was amused by his father's expression.

But she still didn't give up, and said, "Then why do you sleep in the study?"

Liu Ke didn't want to explain the complexity to her daughter. After thinking for a while, she pretended to be angry and said, "You are so young, why bother so much, go back to sleep!"

A trace of stubbornness flashed in Liu Wu's eyes.

"Mother, too, has been a little out of her mind these past two days, and is bored in the house all day long." She smiled and blinked her eyes, "They are all good women, you are not allowed to bully them."

"Know it!"

Liu Ke rolled his eyes, but his eyes didn't work at all.

Because Liu Wu left happily after speaking her heart, if it wasn't for the night, she should share the good news with Liu Feng at this moment.

When Liu Ke was about to get up and close the door when his daughter left, Chen Dao had already done it for him.

The drowsiness gradually faded away, and a person sat at the table meditating.

As her daughter said, Liu Ke spends too little time with her family.

In the past, Liu Ke could work half a day and play half a day.

But during this time, Lu Su seemed to be vomiting, and handed over a lot of work to Liu Ke.

This point, Liu Ke knew in his heart, Lu Su just didn't want him to run around.

Coupled with the pressure brought about by Cao Cao's reforms, Liu Ke became more diligent.

Every time I go out and come back, I have to be busy for a while, which has almost become a routine.

After a sound sleep, Liu Ke was awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

Tuk Tuk!

"Come in!"

It was Chen Dao who knocked on the door, so Liu Ke didn't have to worry about etiquette.

"My lord, Dongzhou County's latest battle report."

Liu Ke half got up, and started reading at the head of the bed.

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