"General Ma Chao's prestige still exists among the Qiang people. Under the tyranny of Cao Cao, the Qiang people miss the former general Shenweitian even more."

"I agree to inciting Qiang people to rebel, but Ma Chao's name is not allowed."

Jia Xu tactfully did not ask why.

"Leave this matter to me!"



In summer and autumn, the fields outside Jincheng County in Jincheng County are covered with golden ears of wheat.

Some of the soldiers in charge of garrisoning the fields brandished sickles to harvest grain, complaining a lot.

In the past, they only had to work for a period of time when the farming was busy.It's different now, and I have to go through brutal training.

After the training, I was exhausted and had to harvest food.

When will this hellish day end?

On a grassland farther away, there are herds of cattle, sheep and horses. The herdsmen have fed the livestock and returned with a full load.

The autumn wind is getting cooler, but there are more and more children working in the fields.

The adults all joined the army, and the young ones had to stand up.

They shuttled through the cornfields, breaking off the ripe corn one by one.

Although this year's harvest is not good, it is still enough for people to eat for a year.

It's just... most of the food has to be handed in.

So people's hearts are very heavy.

No matter how hard you cultivate and harvest, the results are not yours.

If they don't work, they will be whipped and arrested by officers and soldiers.



Suddenly, a few people on tall horses galloped past the field path, breaking the peaceful atmosphere of harvest.

Most of the children didn't care, thinking they were just hunting people, or officers and soldiers in the city, or wealthy people.

However, the soldiers in the field had uneasy expressions on their faces. They could see clearly that these people were all Qiang people!

How could the Qiang people appear here at this sensitive moment?

Immediately afterwards, a series of changes took place in Jincheng County.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The city gate alarm bell rang loudly.

The number of defenders stationed on the tower increased several times, and their expressions were all serious.

"Back to the city!"

"Back to the city!"

A messenger rode out on horseback, beating the gong continuously, calling on the people who left the city.

All the people in the streets and alleys are spreading rumors that the Qiang people are trying to rebel and are about to attack here.

The soldiers in charge of the harvest suddenly woke up. Those Qiang people who ran over seemed to be scouts!

When they reported it, people in the city were sent to pursue it, but they were no longer found.

The next day, Jincheng County closed the city gates and prohibited anyone from going out.

At noon, the defenders found many small black spots faintly appearing on the endless plain in the distance.

Not long after, the sound of horseshoes shook the ground, and the outlines of a large group of cavalry gradually became clear.

"The rebels are coming! The rebels are coming!"

The defenders panicked and immediately reported the situation to the general.

When the guard hurriedly boarded the city wall and looked from a distance, the situation in front of him made him gasp.

The dark Qiang soldiers and horses rushed to the city like a tide!

Tens of thousands of people are connected to the sky.

And these Qiang people all have the same attire - no pockets, and fur as armor.

In order to restrict the Qiang people, Cao Cao introduced many measures, such as the compulsory purchase of war horses.

The imperial court bought the war horses of the Qiang tribe at a low price.

It's just that when the prefects of Liangzhou were there, the policy changed.

In order to purchase the Qiang people's war horses with limited funds, the prefects of various counties kept the price of the war horses very low, which also caused the Qiang people's dissatisfaction.

Although the Liangzhou government had prepared for the rebellion, the strength of the Qiang soldiers besieging Jincheng County exceeded everyone's expectations.

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