"That's just one of the reasons. Another problem happened to Wei Wang Cao Cao!" Zhou Yu said in a deep voice.

"What happened to Cao Cao?"

"In order to defeat King Dongyang, Cao Cao has gone crazy! If we cooperate with a madman, there will be no results."


In Zhou Yu's view, it was just a joke.

In what age, Cao Cao is still superstitious about the number of troops!

What a fool!

Anyone with a little foresight will not kill the chicken to take the egg.

Even if Cao Cao is lucky enough to win one or two games, how can the exhausted rule be maintained?

This is a very worrying question.

Of course, Cao Cao was also forced to have no choice.

So why would they team up with a cornered guy?

And not a winner!

Zhou Yu also knew that Sun Ce's desire to help Cao Cao was definitely not for the so-called Changsha king's throne.

He has another purpose... For that moment, to seize the world!

Only by defeating the King of Dongyang, Sun Ce will find a chance to compete in the world.

Otherwise everything is empty talk.

Dongyang King is too strong, relying on his own strength alone, he can't win at all.

The value of Cao Cao is highlighted.

This is the root of Sun Ce's hesitation.

"Bo Fu, it's time for you to clarify your true heart." Zhou Yu said softly.

Sun Ce was stunned, he didn't expect Zhou Yu to speak to him in a friend's tone which was rare.

I haven't felt this way for a long time.

"What is your heart?"

"Do you like the lofty throne, or the heartyness brought by the battle?"

These words hit Sun Ce's heart directly!

Because he couldn't answer.

Sun Ce seldom had such moments of hesitation, but today there were more of them.


It's really hard.

"Bo Fu, you can completely think for yourself and don't have to worry about family issues. Because Dongyang King will not treat every family that supports him badly, such as the Mi family and Zhao Yun's relatives!"

Sun Ce never expected that Zhou Yu would persuade him like this.

"Gongjin, are you tired?"

Over the years, Sun Ce has entrusted too many things to Zhou Yu.It was not until Sun Quan grew up that he shared some of the burden.

"No." Zhou Yu shook his head, "Because, like you, I yearn for the distant sky!"

Sun Ce recalled the shock of the world map again!


"Is there a countermeasure?"

"Yes, just wait and see, if King Dongyang can fulfill his promise, what's the point in serving him?"

"Recently, my thoughts are disturbed, so I have to take the worst policy."

In the end, Sun Ce's policy was still biased toward Yangzhou.

For Liu Ke, as long as Sun Ce does not participate in the war, he is the biggest winner.

"Cao Mengde wants to be an empty-handed white wolf, so of course he can't, and so does King Dongyang." Zhou Yu said.

It depends on who realizes the benefits first!

One promises the King of Changsha, one step closer to the throne, and the other promises to fight the world.

It's all illusory stuff!

However, Zhou Yu is more willing to trust Liu Ke, because the latter has a record of conquering Goguryeo and Yamatai.

King Dongyang has ambitions, and it's not limited to the Central Plains!

At that time, a dynasty stronger than the Han Dynasty will rise.

Zhou Yu has great expectations!

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