"General Zhao won the award, it's because Shanyue is too weak." Liao Hua, who was originally honest, swelled up.

The next day, Zhao Yun saw what it meant to be "too weak".

The three parties agreed that the camp would go in the middle, while Zhao Yun's tiger guards would split into two wings, and Liao Hua would guard the city.

After a wave of assault from the camp, Shiwan Shanyue cried for his father and mother, and no one could stop him.

The Tiger Guards were even more funny, they were catching prisoners the whole time.Because Liu Ke explained that he should try his best to catch the workers, and these are all free labor.

"Don't run! Drop your weapon and don't kill you!"

"Labor and management told you not to run away!"


It is simply a sea of ​​joy, just like driving sheep.In the end, Zhao Yun spoke directly. This time, the military merits were not based on the kills, but only on the prisoners.

The Tiger Guard even looked at Shanyue the way he looked at the little sheep, and both of his eyes gleamed.

Gao Shun couldn't stand it anymore, and gave up chasing and killing.

But then again, these guys run really fast in the snow.

Finally counting the battle damage, Zhang Jie's [-] troops were killed [-], [-] became prisoners, and he scattered and fled with only [-].

Of course, Zhao Yun couldn't let go of the bandit leader, so he wiped out several cottages, and finally found the frightened Zhang Jie.

Zhang Jie knew that he must die, so he committed suicide.

Zhao Yun ordered the soldiers to contain his body and prepare to hand it over to Zhang Hong.

The funniest thing is that Zhang Liao rushed to Poyang County in a hurry. When he was ten miles away, a mysterious army suddenly appeared behind him, which surprised him.

It was snowing heavily, and the scouts couldn't see the flag clearly.

The two armies looked at each other at close range, it turned out that Nima's was a friendly army!

"General Gao!"

"General Zhang!"

The two cherish each other, like good brothers.

"Aren't you on the battlefield in Nanchang? General Zhao sent you here?" Zhang Liao was in shock for a moment. After all, he was a newcomer to the Yangzhou Group, and he hadn't done any meritorious service or shown his ability, so it was reasonable to be looked down upon.So it is understandable to send General Gao over.

However, Gao Shun's answer was beyond Zhang Liao's expectation. He said:

"Shanyue is vulnerable, the siege of Nanchang has been lifted, and Zilong is chasing the first section of the bandit, so I will come here first."

"..." Zhang Liao suddenly didn't know what to say, he had experienced the elite of the Yangzhou Army.

On that day, Yuan Shao's [-] army came to attack, but was beaten to pieces by the [-] Yangzhou army. In the end, only [-] people escaped.

At that time, the Bingzhou Army was stunned.

Fortunately, at that time, he just surrendered if he lost in a one-on-one fight. If he fought with a real knife and a gun, the state army would not be sure that his crotch would be gone.

One hundred thousand mountains and more, and they will be gone after a fight, which is really terrible.Although Shanyue is also weak, but he is a living person anyway, worse than piggies.

No, the Yangzhou army is too strong.

But now, even the trapped camp that stayed behind in Yangzhou has demonstrated its reputation as an elite.

The Bingzhou army marched for at least one more day, and was overtaken at this time, overtook.

What a shame!

Zhang Liao originally wanted to perform well, but when he saw Gao Shun's natural eyes, he lost all confidence in an instant.

There is no comparison between the [-] Bingzhou Army and the [-] Suppressed Camp, it is too shocking.

The two armies arrived in Poyang County at the same time. Zhang Liao offered to let Gao Shun advance, but the latter refused.

Gao Shun said: "General Zhang came first, if it wasn't for waiting for me, he would have already entered the city."

Zhang Liao's face flushed, and he didn't refuse anymore.But when he saw the camp that stood Rusong, he couldn't help being envious.

It is said that the Xiliang Army is the world's elite, but they have not met the Yangzhou Army!

No, they have met before.It's just that Dong Zhuo was so powerful that no one dared to mention it, so he was gradually forgotten.

In that battle, Dong Zhuo was beaten back to Luoyang, and he still dare not trouble Yangzhou.

Although he was deeply hit, Zhang Liao took over the city defense. One day after Peng Hu attacked, he found that the officers and soldiers at the head of the city had changed, and he retreated to Poyang Lake as a coward.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other, as if punching the air.

Poyang Lake was so misty that they couldn't pursue it at all, so they reported the situation to Zhao Yun.

When Zhao Yun saw it, he also felt that it was difficult, so he immediately asked Liu Ke to transfer Gan Ning's navy.

Liu Ke agreed without saying anything, and at the same time affirmed the credit for Yuzhang's battlefield.

Now that Yuzhang was dragged into a protracted war, he was in a little trouble.Shanyue is all barefoot, and they can't be wiped out once, and they are likely to come back again and again.

After marching for another day, Liu Ke finally entered Kuaiji.Guangling County and Kuaiji County are opposite each other in Yangzhou, which makes it easier for Liu Ke to leave.

Let's hope the mastermind behind the Rebels lets him have a good time.

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