In the distance, Zhao Yun appeared with soldiers and horses, Cao Zhen shouted at Zhao Yun from a distance, his tone was very arrogant.

"Zilong, this kid's skin is itchy, let me do him." Zhang He got angry and stood up to challenge.

Guo Tu shook his head, and said: "General, Huguan is strong and cannot be captured easily. We should build siege equipment, build it slowly, and wait for the opportunity to appear. Don't attack the city blindly, otherwise it will only harm the soldiers in vain. life."

The time comes easily. When the Yangzhou army moves, can Cao Cao still be in Huguan safely?

Will definitely leave.

Once Cao Cao leaves, the guards at Huguan will be lowered several levels, and it will be easier to attack the city at that time.

Guo Tu was the first wave of reinforcements sent by Jizhou, and he came to wait for Zhao Yun's dispatch.

The Jizhou generals nodded one after another, thinking that what Guo Tu said was very reasonable.

Huguan is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it cannot be captured easily.

Zhao Yun said calmly: "Take down Huguan within ten days."

It's the same old saying.

The generals of Jizhou felt a little arrogant, but their status was far behind Zhao Yun, and no one dared to refute.

The only one who could speak was Guo Tu, who exclaimed, "Impossible, General Zhao, think twice!"

Such a solid checkpoint is well-prepared, it is impossible to capture it in ten days, and it is still possible in ten months.

Moreover, a strong attack will cause a lot of damage.

What if Zhao Yun doesn't go up, let the Jizhou soldiers immediately?

They can't say no yet!

When Cao Zhen on the city wall heard Zhao Yun's words, he first showed a puzzled look, and then burst out laughing.

Zhao Yun is not bragging, but for real!

If it is said that going down to the city in ten days was preached before, it was only to hit the morale of the Huguan defenders.

Now that Zhao Yun said it in front of his subordinates, it was no different from issuing a military order.

If Zhao Yun can't take Huguan by then, he will no longer have prestige at all.

"Ten days?" Cao Zhen was no longer angry, but wanted to wait to see Zhao Yun's jokes. He said cheerfully, "You heard me right? Zhao Zilong, can you conquer Huguan in ten days?"

He laughed until his stomach ached.

"That's right, Cao Zhen, wash your neck and wait. Within ten days, I will take your dog's head." Zhao Yun sneered.

"Okay, I'll be waiting at Huguan, watching you with wide eyes, how can you conquer Huguan in ten days."

Cao Zhen laughed loudly: "If you can step into the Huguan within ten days, I will definitely fight to the death, and the head is waiting for you to take it. But do you have the ability? Ten days? Even if the king of Dongyang came, he would not dare to be so arrogant! "

The haze of these days was swept away, and Cao Zhen felt that he was amused by Zhao Yun.

After Zhao Yun put down his harsh words, he left with his troops.

After Cao Cao found out about this, he pondered for a while, and after confirming that Zhao Yun was not joking, he suddenly became a little uneasy.

"Zitong, what can you do to win Huguan in ten days?"

Cao Cao asked Jiang Ji to think differently.

"If there is an internal response in the city, it is still possible..."

But before that, they had already guarded against death, and the possibility of internal response was very small.

"Zidan, what about you?"

Cao Zhen shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't do it. If I were to lead a [-] Yangzhou army to attack Huguan, which was firmly defended by [-] people, without paying [-] to [-] casualties, I would not be able to attack within three months."

As for the defense of Huguan, Cao Zhen, who is the guard, knows best.To conquer such a level, it takes time and casualties.

"Could it be that Zhao Zilong really wants to attack Huguan regardless of casualties?"

Cao Cao was very surprised. You must know that the most important thing in Dongyang King's battle is how to reduce losses. The generals of Yangzhou were affected, and the same is true.

But then, he felt that it was normal to attack by force. As long as Huguan was captured, no matter how heavy the casualties were, it would be worth it.

Huguan is the gateway to Bingzhou. If Huguan is lost, Bingzhou is almost lost.

Once Bingzhou is lost, Cao Cao's rear Xiliang will also be threatened.

Moreover, Bingzhou with Huguan is lost, so how can Yanzhou, which has no geographical advantages, defend?

It must be lost too.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao became nervous.

It turns out that Huguan is more important than imagined!

Zhao Zilong's plot must not be allowed to succeed!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's fighting spirit rose up.He didn't believe that his wisdom would be inferior to Zhao Yun's.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Will not attack by force."

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