
Cao Zhen was lying behind the battlements, gnashing his teeth and staring at the sky. Once a huge boulder flew, he would be the first to escape.

In front of the ruthless boulder, it is best not to mention courage.

Because humans are not worthy!

Prior to this, Cao Zhen had made a perfect plan. No matter how Zhao Yun attacked, he had a way to resist it.

For example, the soldiers guarding the city wall are all equipped with large shields to prevent the continuous attacks of the Yangzhou Army's crossbow arrows.

Fire oil, golden soup, big dung, bricks and so on are also ready, waiting for the Yangzhou army to attack.

Waiting to teach them a lesson.

However, after waiting for several days, there was no movement from the Yangzhou army. Who knew that Zhao Yun would teach Cao Zhen a huge lesson when he moved.


A boulder fell suddenly and hit a soldier nearby, his brains burst out, splashing Cao Zhen all over.


Another boulder fell, and a shield soldier was crowded, unable to escape in time, he raised his shield to resist.

boom!Straight into meat sauce.

I am afraid it is spreading.

Such a tragic situation frightened many soldiers, all of them were human, and the boulder was like the might of God.

At this moment, it is just a test shot. Once the Yangzhou Army is asked to find a corner and calculate the accuracy, boulders will continue to fall.

Can't pass the little days?

In an instant, several soldiers started to run wild because they were frightened.

"Escape! We're going down!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Now the city wall is too dangerous, if they can make a hole, they will not hesitate.

In a rage, Cao Zhen raised his sword and beheaded the two men.

"Those who are timid, behead!"

In order to boost morale, he walked to the middle of the city wall and shouted: "There is nothing to be afraid of!"

A huge boulder crashed down and exploded beside Cao Zhen, and the gravel flew, knocking him down.


In just one blow, Cao Zhen was slightly injured.

"Damn Zhao Yun, to use such a murderous weapon is harmful!"

Since he couldn't beat him, he could only curse, hoping that God would punish him.

"My lord, go away, it's not suitable to stay here for long!" Jiang Ji was in a hurry, and persuaded Cao Cao to leave.

If Cao Cao doesn't leave, he can't either.It's too scary to stay on the wall.

Be careful, I can't bear it!

But Cao Cao insisted on not leaving.

The reason why the defenders did not break up was not because they were brave.

But Cao Cao is here!

"I can't go! Withdraw half of the soldiers and take turns to defend."

Cao Cao made an arrangement in no time. The people on the city wall were too dense to be hit easily.

"Subordinates take orders!" Cao Zhen risked his life to arrange with injuries.

"My lord! This place is handed over to General Cao Zhen. You cannot stay here because of your wealth." Jiang Ji earnestly said.

"No!" Cao Cao shook his head again.

"My lord, you can go down the city wall and boost your morale from behind. This place is really too dangerous."

Cao Cao wanted to continue to refuse, but suddenly a dozen boulders flew towards him.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Cao Cao was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were splitting, he shivered, and then he gave Jiang Ji a meaningful look.

Jiang Ji understood in seconds.

"Come here, escort the lord down the city wall!"

The personal guards hurried forward and held Cao Cao up.

"I won't go, I will live and die with the soldiers!"

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