-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Zhen's face was gloomy. He found that he always had nightmares at night.

Still an uncontrollable nightmare.

As the ten-day deadline Zhao Yun said got closer, Cao Zhenxin became more and more panicked.

For example, last night, after a busy day, I thought I could have a good rest.

But he had several dreams intermittently, each dream was different, but there was one thing in common, that is, Zhao Yun broke through the Huguan, and then walked towards him with a sinister smile on his face.

Once he was caught alive and cooked raw.

There was another time when I was tied up and put on a trebuchet, soaring into the air, I was awakened every time, my back was always wet, and I was covered in cold sweat.

As these catapults continued to project special stones, Cao Zhen was no longer confident in defending Huguan.

Maybe Zhao Yun can really do it and win Huguan within ten days.

Even if Cao Zhen persisted for more than ten days, what about twenty days?

It's scary to think about.

Every day begins with a trebuchet throwing a boulder.

That rumbling sound, no one can sleep.

Cao Cao's army was trembling on the city wall.

At noon, Zhao Yun dispatched a siege force, commanded by Zhang He.

The army is mighty, and siege equipment such as ladders and wells are all over the ground.

"Listen, you bastards in Huguan, surrender quickly, otherwise the sword will not show mercy, and when we go in, blood will flow into rivers." Zhang He roared angrily from below. He had been on the expedition for so long and hadn't been able to fight a good fight. Now he finally has Here's the chance.

"Fire the arrows!" Cao Zhen yelled on the city wall.

These few days he had been working extremely hard, and he couldn't sleep well. There was already a fire in his heart, and once he was irritated by Zhang He, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Fuck, isn't it just for fun?come!Who is afraid of whom!

Zhang He roared angrily: "Cao Zhen, you shrink your head, how is your butt?"

What the hell, you really don't know which pot to open and which pot to carry!

Cao Zhen's stab wound was almost healed, and now he was provoked by Zhang Yun, and he was furious immediately.

"Shoot arrows at me! Shoot him, shoot him!"

Cao Zhen knew that there was no possibility of easing up between the two sides, and it was self-inflicted to argue with Zhang He and say he would surrender.

Zhang He said this to mock Cao Zhen, who is Cao Cao's godson and would not surrender easily.

"Attack, catch Cao Zhen and cook it in a pot!"

Zhang He shouted loudly and directed the soldiers to attack layer by layer.

Cao Zhen's anger rose, he was boiled in a dream last night, did it really come true?

whoosh whoosh—

Cao Cao's army on the city wall began to shoot arrows to prevent the construction of the ladder.

Thirty Jinglans were pushed out by Yangzhou, and there were densely packed crossbowmen standing on them.

Cao Zhen's complexion changed, he was frightened by the Yangzhou army's big hand.

"Rush! Rush!" Zhang He yelled and directed, and then shouted a few more words, "Cao Zhen, wait for me, this time I will only hurt your balls!"

Cao Zhen's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his butt was aching. If his balls were hurt, how could he survive.


The crossbowmen on the well began to shoot, suppressing Cao Cao's army on the city wall.

The two sides began to shoot at each other in full swing.

If you are not careful, your life will be in danger.

Taking advantage of the gap, the infantry put the ladder on the city wall and began to climb along the ladder.

"Good come!"

Cao Zhen personally commanded, and his personal guards protected him with iron shields, guarding against crossbow arrows shot from Jinglan.

"Pour boiling water!"

Cao Zhen roared angrily, and asked the soldiers to push up the prepared boiling water and pour it down along the ladder.

Several Yangzhou soldiers held up their shields to block, and some of their skin was drenched, excruciating pain.

Enduring the pain, they continued to raise their shields to block the fellow robes below.

"Fire oil!"

Seeing that the hot water had little effect, Cao Zhen ordered the soldiers to carry up the prepared kerosene.

When the fire oil was flowing down the ladder, the Yangzhou soldiers quickly abandoned the ladder and retreated in an orderly manner.

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