"I asked you to come here this time to completely solve Zhao Yun's hidden danger." Cao Cao said forcefully, as if Zhao Yun was bound to die.

"My lord, please order!"

"Okay." Cao Cao stopped talking nonsense, since he decided to attack at night, he should do it vigorously.

If you are afraid of your hands and feet, you will not be able to accomplish great things.

"Cao Hong commanded [-] tiger and leopard riders to attack the Yangzhou barracks from the front; Cao Chun commanded [-] tiger and leopard riders to attack from the left; Xia Houshang commanded [-] tiger and leopard riders to destroy the enemy's catapults, well rails, car."

"Obey!" The three said in unison.

Cao Cao was very satisfied. During this time, he was really aggrieved.

Got fed up with catapults.

Now, he's going to fight back, he's going to destroy those lumps of wood!

He wants to vent fiercely, and he wants to teach Zhao Yun a lesson he will never forget.

Cao Cao still has many things to do, and many wishes to fulfill.

"My lord, what about me?" Cao Zhen felt a little reconciled, he couldn't just do nothing.

That's too cowardly.

When there are many people, Cao Zhen is still used to calling Cao Cao Lord.

"You command the [-] defenders and are responsible for supporting them," Cao Cao said.

It's just a substitute, but if there is a chance to play, Cao Zhen will not refuse.

"This time, let us work together to defeat the Yangzhou Army!"

"As ordered!"

Cao Cao was in high spirits, reinforcements came, and his generals also came, and he suddenly gained confidence.

If it was a head-on battle, the tiger and leopard cavalry were of course a bit worse than the Yangzhou army, but what about sneak attacks?

One hit one is not a problem!

So the troops at this moment are enough.

In the middle of the night, the tiger and leopard riders set off secretly.

The leader is Cao Hong, who has saved Cao Cao's life several times and won Cao Cao's trust.Therefore, there are the most troops and the greatest responsibility.

"Send out all the scouts, and report to me at any time if any abnormality is found." Cao Hong ordered.

This is a surprise attack, so it is natural to be concealed. Sending scouts is the easiest way.

Not only that, Cao Hong also ordered the horse's hoof to be wrapped in cloth, and the horse's mouth should be covered to prevent neighing.

They arrived within one mile of the Yangzhou barracks very smoothly.

"Enemy attack!" Suddenly, a horn sounded from a corner.

"No, it's the sentry post of the Yangzhou Army. We have been discovered!" A group of generals said in panic.

"What are you afraid of? With such a short distance, go directly!" Cao Hong said excitedly.

Because before playing, Jiang Ji taught him some experience.

This includes how to deal with emergencies.

If the journey goes smoothly and you arrive at Daying in Yangzhou, it means that there is an ambush and you must be careful.Because Yangzhou scouts are number one in the world, it is impossible to be so careless.

Now that it has been discovered, it shows that this is the normal response of the Yangzhou Army!

What's all the fuss about?

"Light the torch, kill!" Cao Hong ordered, and iron hooves rushed out.

After rushing a hundred meters, he suddenly discovered that the Yangzhou scouts had extinguished all the fires.

In other words, they who held the torches became the most beautiful boys in the dark night.

"As expected of a Yangzhou scout, his reputation is well-deserved."

Of course, Cao Hong couldn't order the fire to be extinguished, so their army would become blind.


A short distance passed by in a flash, and they rushed directly to the front of the Yangzhou camp.

"He Fangxiao is young, and unexpectedly attacked the camp!"

Zhang Yun's panicked voice came from inside the barracks.

"What are you doing in a daze? Break through the camp and give it to me!"

Cao Hong was the first to ride his horse out, roared, drew his sword, and began to hit the gate of the camp.

At the same time, the rockets also shot into the camp, and the flames were everywhere.

Zhang He was so angry that he took the initiative to open the barracks. The spear appeared in his hand in an instant, dancing like the wind, and several Cao Cao soldiers who rushed in screamed and fell to the ground.

"Come on, fight me!"

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