I heard that this is the thing that scared the Huguan defenders half to death.

If I can capture a few of them, my lord will definitely look at me with admiration, right?

"Quick, see if you can push it!" Xia Houshang ordered.

Then more than a dozen people worked together to barely push the catapult a foot away.

It's too heavy!

"Damn it!" Xia Houshang was very unwilling, but he could only destroy it all.

"It's all messed up, don't leave it to the Yangzhou Army!"

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

The sound of logging suddenly came from around.

"Fuck, didn't you eat? When you chop like this, won't you burn it with fire?"

"The general is still smart!"

So, everyone picked up flammable cloth or firewood, and the catapult was gradually ignited.

Looking at the blazing flames, Xia Houshang exclaimed that it's a pity, these are treasures.

It's a pity that it's useless, and nothing can be left for the Yangzhou Army.

"General, there seems to be something wrong with these catapults..." a school lieutenant said.

"What's the problem?" Xia Houshang asked warily.

"Look, how does this thing throw boulders?" The captain brought Xia Houshang in front of a catapult.

Xia Houshang looked at it carefully, but he was sorry that he didn't understand.

"Just say it directly!"

"This thing doesn't have a ejection device. You must know that if you want to fly a stone to fly far, you must have..."

Before the captain finished speaking, Xia Houshang directly interrupted him.

"You talk so much, what exactly do you want to say? I don't care if it can be ejected, my task is to destroy it!"

"General, I suspect that these catapults are all fake." The captain said.

"If it's fake, it's fake. It's none of my business. Is it possible that my lord can't give me credit for this?" Xia Houshang roared, "Don't be suspicious if you're fine."

The captain was very wronged, he hesitated to speak.

"If you have something to say, just say it once, or you will be finished!" Xia Houshang threatened.

"General, my subordinates suspect that this is a scam! We were all deceived by Zhao Zilong!"

As soon as this remark came out, it fell like a thunderbolt.

Xia Houshang was frightened, and asked, "What's your name?"

"The last general, Guo Huai, was a native of Taiyuan County. His patriarch Guo Quan was an official up to Da Si Nong. His father, Guo Yan, was once the prefect of Yanmen County."

"Okay, okay, you just love to talk, what did you just say? A scam? Are you sure?"

I'm not asking who your ancestor is, so much nonsense.

Of course, Xia Houshang didn't say the last sentence.

"The subordinates believe that Zhao Zilong set up an ambush here, please enter the urn." Guo Huai said with certainty.

Xia Houshang thought about it for a while, it seems that the trip went too smoothly?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he became.

"you sure?"

Xia Houshang asked again.

"General, you might as well lead your troops to General Cao Chun and meet him. Whether it is a conspiracy or not, you will know then." Guo Huai said cautiously.

Xia Houshang thought it made sense, since his mission had been completed anyway, he believed in Guo Huai once.

If he was telling lies, Xia Houshang would definitely not spare him.

"Why support Zihe instead of Zilian?" Xia Houshang had another question.

"General Cao Chun went deep into the enemy's camp. If I were Zhao Zilong, I would definitely take him down first!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's really a war horse!"

Cao Chun looked at it and suddenly became crazy.

It was pitch black ahead, but he could feel the special aura of the war horse.

That long breath, that low neigh in the night, and that lovely stamping of hoofs...

"Haha, after snatching these horses, the tiger and leopard cavalry will make the world frightened!"

Cao Chun has been the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry since its establishment.

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