Being treated as a soft persimmon?

Zhang He was furious and shouted, "Your grandfather is here, come if you can!"

Without saying a word, he rushed forward with his personal guards and stabbed the tiger and leopard rider in the front row.

Cao Hong was dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of reinforcements.

Cao Cao sent three groups of troops to attack the Yangzhou barracks, but everyone had their own tasks, and it stands to reason that they would not come to help.

But now, they just came.

"Don't worry about that much." Cao Hong made a judgment in an instant, "Give it to me!"

He also brought his personal guards to attack Zhang Yun's five thousand troops.

Having fought against Zhang He for so long, Cao Hong certainly knew that this was a tired army, and the friendly army that appeared from the north would completely crush Zhang He.

So, no matter what, let's take down Zhang Yun first.

Xia Houshang and Cao Hong exerted pressure at the same time and cooperated very tacitly.

This made Zhang He suffer.

At the beginning, he was barely supporting, but now he is barely holding on. If it continues like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, he had a plan.

"Go, you rush out, then hang Zilong's flag and pretend to be reinforcements!"

Zhang He shouted and charged forward while instructing his subordinates.

"Come on, Zhang Junyi is here!"

"Xiahou Boren!"


Xia Houshang and Zhang He fought each other, and the outcome was evenly divided.

"I'm here to help the general!" Guo Huai yelled and rushed forward.

Zhang He fought against the two generals alone, and gradually felt strenuous.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for being exhausted by that kid Cao Hong, how could he be suppressed by two unknown pawns!"

Zhang He was extremely aggrieved, but Xia Houshang became more courageous as he fought more and more. Without it, he found a sense of accomplishment.

Before that, Zhao Yun picked up his weapon twice and lost face, but this time he was able to beat Zhang He.

"Eat my sword!"

Zhang He handed out his spear and passed Xia Houshang.

Guo Huai came to kill again with a big knife.


Zhang He blocked Guo Huai's slash with his spear horizontally, but Xiahou came to kill him with his sword.

At the critical moment, there was a warm sound of gongs and drums from the north.

woo woo woo woo--

This is the unique horn sound of the Yangzhou Army's offensive.

"Damn it, why did the reinforcements come so fast? Did something happen to Zihe?"

Xia Houshang was a bit late in drawing his sword, and was dodged by Zhang Xi.

Zhang Yun took the opportunity to distance himself and took a sigh of relief. The defense line had been broken by Cao Hong.

The two sides have started a scuffle.

What else can he do but fight to the end?

"For the Lord!" Zhang He roared angrily.

Boom boom boom!

The dense drums began to beat, inspiring.

"For the lord!"

The Yangzhou Army broke out its final combat power and began to bite the enemy.

Xia Houshang is still thinking, Zhao Zilong is coming, should he retreat first... Guo Huai has already led his team to kill him.

"Could it be that I'm not even as good as a school lieutenant?"

The two sides immediately fought together, there were shouts of killing everywhere, blood was everywhere, and gradually, the earth was dyed red.

Zhang He fell into an unprecedented wry smile.

"Don't retreat! Can't retreat!"

Cao Chun's situation was even worse. The soldiers and horses were scattered by Zhao Yun's charge.

"hold onto!"

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