Cao Cao didn't bring him here for sightseeing.

"My lord, we might as well wait and see what happens, as long as we don't go to war." Jiang Ji bit the bullet and said, lacking the necessary information, what advice can he give?

There is only one word to abide by, and that is "stable".

Just don't go out, what can you do to me.

Cao Cao was very dissatisfied, what is the difference between this and sitting and waiting to die?

Do you really think that if the city wall is strong, you can sit back and relax?

Since ancient times, there are many ways to attack the city, and the defense of the city can only be passive defense.

Therefore, good defenders are often called famous generals.

Among the Cao Cao camp, Cao Ren is the most outstanding.

It is very important to predict the enemy's opportunity first, and Cao Cao is anxious about this.

Jiang Ji gritted his teeth and expressed his immature thoughts.

"My lord, this subordinate believes that our attention should not be limited to Huguan!"

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao was shocked, as if he had caught something.

"The battle of millions of people, the outcome of Huguan, cannot change the fate of the lord. Therefore, my subordinates believe that the accident will happen in the north!"

Cao Cao took out a map, and found that Yanmen County in the north was guarded by Xia Houyuan, guarding against aliens.

In the previous battle of Xianbei, more than one million troops were dispatched by foreign races.

Now that the Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Wuhuan tribes all joined Liu Ke, if they assembled an army of [-] to go south, how would Xiahouyuan's [-] army resist?

I can't stop it!

"Quick, you guys have been traveling all night, you must tell Miaocai the news."

Cao Cao didn't dare to delay, so he sent people to report the news immediately, telling them to rush on the road overnight, and told Xia Houyuan to be more prepared.

The war may be just a few days away.

Hundreds of thousands of alien troops went south to Bingzhou, and they would rather believe what they have than believe what they don't have.

Otherwise, if Yanmen County falls, what's the use of Cao Cao guarding Huguan?

Even if he sent someone to tell Xia Houyuan quickly, Cao Cao's heart did not relax.

He was uneasy, so he simply called up all the soldiers to get everyone to cheer up and beware of attacks from all directions.

At the same time, Cao Cao sent a large number of scouts out to investigate the movements of the Yangzhou army.

At night, Cao Cao was breathing heavily, with tears in his eyes, but there was still no movement in the camp of the Yangzhou Army.

After midnight, scouts report back, and there is a suspicious place.

"What's suspicious?"

"The new barracks of the Yangzhou Army are smaller than before."

Cao Cao felt something in his heart, I'm afraid his worry lies here.

It stands to reason that the Yangzhou Army has a [-]-strong army, and Guo Tu led tens of thousands of defenders to help. How come there are hundreds of thousands of troops?

"Zi Lian, tell me, how many troops did the Yangzhou army dispatch in the attack that night?" Cao Cao shouted suddenly, which startled Cao Hong.

Cao Hong recalled it carefully, and said, "Commander Zhang He's army has about [-] people, but they blocked me for a long time because of the favorable location."

"Zihe, how many troops did Zhao Zilong bring with him when he defeated you?" Cao Cao asked again.

Cao Chun, who was called by name, looked confused, but he still answered.

"At least fifty thousand."

"Who the fuck can tell me, where did the other half go?" Cao Cao cursed suddenly.

At that time, the sky was dark and the vision was not clear. Who would have thought so much.

Zhao Yun commanded a [-]-strong army. First he defeated Cao Chun's [-], then Xia Houshang's [-], and finally Cao Hong's tens of thousands. They all used superior forces to defeat inferior forces. They subconsciously believed that the troops of Commander Zhao Yun There are many horses, at least more than them.

Now that Cao Cao suddenly drank, everyone was frightened.

Dare they have a hundred thousand tiger and leopard riders, plus thirty or forty thousand pot guards, surprise attack seventy to eighty thousand people, but they were taught a lesson instead, losing troops and losing generals?

This guess made Cao Hong very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry.

The remaining soldiers and horses, perhaps hidden in the dark, were not used?

Cao Hong comforted himself, but soon he denied this idea.

Thinking about it carefully, Cao Cao's deduction is still very reasonable.

No wonder Zhang Yun fought so hard, because he really didn't have too many troops.

In the end, they rode hundreds of thousands of tigers and leopards, and they were all bluffed!

At first Cao Cao didn't want to punish the four generals, because he didn't think it was necessary and the battle was imminent.

Now he wanted to violently kill someone.

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