Especially the peasant soldiers, who were forced to die, never thought of fighting for Cao Cao.

Of course, there were also some loyalists who roared angrily, showed an increasingly fierce side, and made a final counterattack, trying to pull a Yangzhou soldier to die together.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun was furious, and was about to go to the rescue with his long spear, when he heard the sound of the trigger being pulled, swishing a few times, those rebels had been shot into hedgehogs by the crossbowmen behind the sword and shield soldiers.

Soon after, the Yangzhou army occupied the city wall, and the battle line advanced into the pass.

Zhang He clenched the spear in his hand again, raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Yangzhou Army is advancing! Occupy Huguan!"


Huguan City Gate was jointly opened by dozens of soldiers.

Tens of thousands of Yangzhou troops rushed in, boosted their morale, and fought desperately with the desperate defenders.

The rain of arrows from the Yangzhou Army once again enveloped the battlefield, over the heads of those defenders who vowed not to surrender.

"Block! Block! Protect Wei Wang!"

Xia Houshang screamed heart-piercingly, commanding his personal guards to press on him.

But the situation had already collapsed, he couldn't control it at all, he was just lingering on his last breath.

The Yangzhou Army entered the most difficult street battle.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Huguan, the two armies of Cao and Liu just fought against each other, and Cao Cao's army was completely defeated.

Tens of thousands of defenders cried for their fathers and mothers, but were killed by the Yangzhou army who came suddenly, and retreated in a hurry.

But there was no joy on Zhang Yun's face.

"Cao Cao is here? Catch Cao Cao, reward [-]!"

This is Zhang Xi's goal, and the others are just little shrimps.

If you can catch Cao Cao, it will be a great achievement.

Therefore, without hesitation, Zhang He ordered the entire army of his soldiers to move forward.

"Seize the streets, compress the area of ​​action of the defenders, and find Cao Cao."

This is Zhang He's combat policy.

After all, on the battlefield of Huguan, the terrain is complicated and needs to be advanced little by little.

They don't need to kill many people, they just need to advance step by step, compressing the living space of the defenders, and they will surrender.

The Yangzhou Army treats the captives with very generous conditions. Even if no one pays the ransom, they only need to perform hard labor for a certain period of time before they can regain their freedom.

However, Jiang Ji anticipated Zhang Yun's decision in advance, so that when Zhang Yun ordered the whole army to move forward, he personally led a group of about [-] crossbowmen to ambush on both sides of the street.

"Fire arrows!"

The ambushes rushed out suddenly, and arrows rained down immediately.

This move was nothing more than a desperate struggle, but it bought Xia Houshang time to reorganize the team.

At this time, Xia Houshang finally showed his ability as the main commander of Cao Cao's army.

"Soldiers! For the sake of the court, for His Majesty, and for the King of Wei, take up your weapons and hold back the enemy!"

"Those who stay, those who dare to fight, each will be rewarded with a hundred gold after the battle!"

"Kill more than three enemies, reward one thousand gold!"

Some people dismissed it, but more people gritted their teeth and took up arms.

"Humph! The mantis arm is the car!"

Seeing this, Zhang He snorted coldly.

I saw him riding on horseback, waving a heavy iron spear with both hands, and fighting at the forefront of the team.

All the soldiers of Cao Cao who came into contact with him were knocked off their shields with one shot, and were killed on the spot with the second shot.

Zhang He's bravery boosted the morale of his soldiers, so much so that Jiang Ji's crossbowmen were pierced by the Yangzhou army in just half a cup of tea.

The crossbowmen who were close to him couldn't play a role, and were killed crying for their father and mother.

However, just when Zhang Yun led the elite, trying to go further towards Jiang Ji.

Xia Houshang led the remnants to kill him. He had to fight and buy time. This belief supported him.

On the battlefield, there are not too many fancy attack methods.

A soldier often only has a moment to swing his blade at the enemy.

Afterwards, either you die, or the other party dies, it's as simple and rude as that.

The extra moves are just asking for a dead end.

In a crowded battlefield, no one will make room for you.

On such a dense battlefield, the Yangzhou Army has a natural advantage,

Because of the hard armor, it can resist the enemy's attack and give them a second chance to make a move.

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