Xia Houshang had no choice but to retreat to the next block, and half of Huguan had fallen into the hands of the Yangzhou army.

"Outflank from behind and capture Xia Houshang alive!" Zhang Yun ordered.

Two teams of thousands set out from left and right, rounded the main street and disappeared from view.

Xia Houshang knew something was wrong, so he retreated again, until he reached the gate of the city.

"Hold it! Hold it for me!"

In the end, Xia Houshang held on for a quarter of an hour before retreating.

Zhang He led his army in pursuit, but lost Cao Cao's trace.

At this point, the entire Huguan fell into the hands of the Yangzhou army.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Yun did what he said, and he won Huguan within ten days.

Huguan hung the flag of Yangzhou Army.

"Jun Yi, thank you for your hard work."

"a piece of cake."

Zhao Yun and Zhang Yun looked at each other and smiled.

"What should we do next? Are we going to force Shangdang?"

Now Shangdang County is like a little girl, exposed in front of Zhao Yun, but when faced with Zhang Yun's questioning, she is not moved.

"The lord has an order to let our army stick to Huguan and wait for the order."

Zhang Yun couldn't help showing a disappointed look, what a great time!

Which man does not want to make contributions?

If Dian Wei, Lu Bu and other generals were present, Zhang Yun would have no chance to perform.

Although Zhang Xi thought so, he would not disobey Liu Ke's order, but he had a question in his mind, that is, why Liu Ke's order was so timely?

After a little thought, Zhang Xi understood that this was probably something that had been discussed long ago.

Now that they have taken Huguan, it is Cao Cao who should be nervous!

After losing Huguan, Cao Cao's complexion was not good, as if he just happened to be Huang Lian.

"My lord, the pot is in Zhao Yun's hands. If Zhao Yun wants to take over the state, it will be easy." Jiang Ji reminded.

Oh shit!Cao Cao cursed again in his heart, his face became even uglier.

"Bingzhou no longer has such a dangerous place as Huguan. If Zhao Yun wants to take it, we can't keep it at all." Jiang Ji said again.

The catapult is powerful, they have seen it before, and ordinary cities can't resist it at all.

It takes a lot of time for Cao Cao to build a line of defense.

Financial and material resources can not support.

"However, if Zhao Yun wants to win Bingzhou, he must pay the price."

As for the price, Jiang Ji didn't mention it.This sentence was suspected of being flattering, Cao Cao finally looked better.

Jiang Ji observed his words, and found that Cao Cao was no longer so gloomy, so he immediately hit the railroad while it was hot:

"My lord, you might as well sit in Luoyang and hand over the battle of Bingzhou to General Xiahou."

This Xiahou is not the other Xiahou, but refers to Xiahouyuan.

At first, Jiang Ji believed that Cao Cao would be safe only if he returned to Chang'an, and Tongguan was still there to protect him.

But Cao Cao will not be reconciled.

Therefore, Jiang Ji took the next best thing and let Cao Cao sit in Luoyang.

Luoyang is located in the middle of Bingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yingchuan counties, so it is best to dispatch troops.

This position can also be regarded as the front line, and it is safe, which is very suitable for Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was not reconciled, he had already been driven out of Huguan, should he be driven out of Bingzhou?

Then what's the point of him being alive.

Cao Cao will stare at Jiang Ji, who feels his hair trembling in his heart.

"I'm so angry! This matter can't be left alone!"


Cao Cao was furious, and drew out the Yitian sword, and slashed down with one sword, splitting a corner of his carriage in half.

Jiang Ji was taken aback, and at the same time swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, he had never seen such a furious Cao Cao.

If this sword strikes him, he will definitely be split in half.

After a while, Jiang Ji had no choice but to say: "My lord, calm down."

"Quiet your anger?"

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