He rushed to Cao Hong's side, clasped his fists and said, "Now Huguan is lost, if our army returns to help, Taiyuan will be in danger."

Cao Hong was stunned, and said: "My lord's safety is the first, what is Taiyuan? It's a pity that I have few soldiers, so I can't relieve my lord's worries. Damn it!"


Cao Zhen sighed, looked at Cao Hong, shook his head secretly in his heart, and said, "Of course I know, it's fine if I lose Huguan, but if I lose Taiyuan again, my lord will definitely not be merciless."

"As long as the lord is safe and sound, what's the point of losing Bingzhou?" Cao Hong said excitedly.

Cao Zhen gave a wry smile and said, "You can't do that. What's the difference between losing Bingzhou and taking the lord's life?"

"It's all my fault. The surprise attack was unfavorable. Many soldiers and horses were lost, otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

Seeing the two of them getting red-faced, Cao Chun interjected.

"It's not the son's fault!"

Cao Hong and Cao Zhen shook their heads and sighed several times at the same time.

They glanced at the soldiers under their command and saw that although they were exhausted, their eyes were still resolute, and there was hope in their hearts.

"It's better to divide the troops!"

"Up to now, that's all there is to it."

Therefore, the three discussed that Cao Hong would lead the elite cavalry to go to Shangdang to protect Cao Cao, while Cao Zhen and Cao Chun would lead the troops to Taiyuan County to defend.

Not long after, Cao Hong met a messenger sent by Cao Cao, who ordered them to stick to Taiyuan.

Cao Hong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the whole army didn't turn around, but he still insisted on going to Shangdang.

After arriving at Shangdang, Cao Hong immediately went to plead guilty.

"My lord..."

"Punishment?" Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Zi Lian, what is your crime? Now that the Shangdang is in critical condition, Gu is very touched that you can come back."

At this time, the most important thing is to stabilize people's hearts.

What's more, Cao Hong only brought back [-] cavalry, which had no effect on the battle situation in Taiyuan.

"The final general disregarded the lord's order and came back without permission..."

"What is this?" Cao Cao frowned, and then said, "Don't worry, Zilian, you have made a lot of contributions when you come back this time."

"Successful?" Cao Hong was immediately puzzled.

"Gu's concern is that people's hearts are not in harmony. Now that you have set an example, Gu is very pleased!" Cao Cao said, these words are sincere.

However, after experiencing too many failures, his disposition gradually changed, and he called himself "Gu", and only he knew the sadness in it.

Huguan must be taken back, otherwise Cao Cao would not be a complete person!

"The final general must be utterly devastated by the lord, and he will not hesitate to do so!" Cao Hong said with a happy face, clasping his fists, "Even if you are smashed to pieces, you must take back Huguan for the lord!"

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Besides, Gu has mobilized [-] troops, and it will take some time to reach Shangdang. Before that, please trouble Zilian to keep an eye on Huguan."

"The last general takes orders!" Cao Hong clasped his fists heavily, "Thank you, my lord, for your trust!"

This word "trust", Cao Hong almost held back tears, he was really moved.

"Go!" Cao Cao said wearily.

Time flies, and the news that Huguan was breached by Zhao Yun spread all over the world.

Zhao Yun claimed to win Huguan within ten days, and he won it in ten days.

For Cao Cao, this was a huge shock.

Jiang Ji came up with an idea, that is to refute to the end.

"Zhao Zilong has been stationed at the foot of Huguan City for more than a month, who will he lie to for ten days?"

As soon as this remark came out, there were many supporters.

Huguan is the most powerful pass in the world, how could it be captured in ten days?

Definitely an exaggeration.

This idea slightly restored Cao Cao's prestige, but it could not change the fact that Huguan fell into the hands of the Yangzhou army.

Cao Cao is frantically dispatching troops and generals, preparing to take back Huguan, and his control over the south has gradually weakened.

Especially the two counties of Shangyong and Nanyang have even weaker troops.

Sun Ce thought that this was the best time to make a move, but Zhou Yu objected.

"Yangzhou's main force has not moved, and our army doesn't have to be this early bird."

"The battlefield must be Bingzhou, so why hesitate? Huguan is in the hands of the Yangzhou army, and it is impossible to return it. Even if Cao Mengde gathers an army of one million, it is impossible to win it."

This is Sun Ce's confidence, his confidence in the Yangzhou Army, and his trust in Liu Ke.

"My lord, if you think so, you are wrong." Zhou Yu shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Sun Ce asked puzzled.

"King Dongyang's ideas are unconstrained. I think he will focus on Yanzhou, which has a smooth road!" Zhou Yu said firmly.

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