The so-called million-dollar army is nothing but empty air.

Fortunately, misfortunes never come singly, and then a turmoil broke out that gave Cao Cao a headache.

The camp is bombed!

When Cao Cao heard about it, he was really taken aback.As a general, he is not afraid of how many enemies there are, but he is afraid of his own people fighting.

The scale of the bombing camp was not very large, it was just a conflict between hundreds of Huguan defenders and the Shangdang defenders who were transporting food.

The Shangdang garrison taunted the Huguan garrison for their defeat, and they were able to eat food and grass for free, living a more carefree life than they did.

Why deliver food and grass to these uncles?

Who is not a titan!

There was a dispute between the two sides. Among them, a Shangdang defender cursed at a Cao soldier who had lost his right leg:

"Cripples have a lot to do!"

His leg was pushed down while defending the city, and it was a proper "work injury".

After being said so, grievances surged up.

It's okay that he's crippled, but it's hard to get violent and hurt someone.

But what happened to him made others feel aggrieved!

They had no way to vent their depression, defended the city desperately, and ended up like this, without even basic respect.

Do you want to pass this day?

Hundreds of people in the camp immediately blushed with anger, drew out their sabers, and chopped that talkative Shangdang defender into a pulp.

This directly fried the pot!

The Shangdang garrison is also pissed off, I give you food and drinks, and I actually want to see your faces?

Not only that, but also life-threatening.

Ever since, they took out their weapons one after another, and the matter turned into a fight with weapons. More than a dozen people died, and others were also injured.

This startled the captain, and hurriedly reported to Cao Hong.

When Cao Hong arrived, the matter was already corrupted, and the camp was full of noise, with shouts of killing everywhere.

He hastily dispatched two thousand tiger and leopard cavalry, beheaded several corporal chiefs and ten chiefs in public, and managed to separate the two parties.

But the situation got worse.

The tiger and leopard rider's morale also plummeted when they saw the fight among their own people.

The morale that Cao Hong had finally boosted up suddenly disappeared.

"Master, what does my lord say?"

Jiang Ji glanced at the rebellious army that had calmed down, frowned and said: "My lord has a headache and is sick. I'm bedridden at the moment. It's not appropriate to bother me. The general will handle it by himself. Just report it later."

"Take care of it yourself??" Cao Hong looked surprised. It seemed that Jiang Ji hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Military division!" Cao Hong sighed slightly, shook his head and said, "Bombing the camp is no small matter. If the morale of the army is lost, it will never be restored."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Ji understood what Cao Hong meant, and invited Cao Cao out.

Cao Cao endured his exhaustion, walked forward, and shouted at both sides of the fighting: "Put down the weapons in your hands, is it possible that you are going to fight in front of Gu?"

Two thousand tigers and leopards stood on horseback with indifferent faces, and the two groups of people lowered their heads one after another and put down their weapons.

Only then did Cao Cao give a wry smile, and said, "They are all my big man's good sons, and they are all under my Cao Mengde's subordinates, why is this so!"

After discussing with Jiang Ji and Cao Hong, Cao Cao decided to punish him severely and never tolerated it.

Now is the time to unite as one and fight against Yangzhou, it is stupid to make trouble at this moment!

Cao Cao ordered the troublemakers to be beheaded on the spot, and nearly a hundred heads fell to the ground.

However, things are far from over.

Two days later, there was another incident in the camp. Someone came to Cao Hong, hoping to be discharged from the army.

Followed by thousands of Cao soldiers.

Cao Hong was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

You know, since the restructuring, there has been almost no mention of "retirement".

It's okay for the disabled and elderly, Cao Hong can accommodate him a bit, but what about those with healthy limbs?

He looked at the thousands of people in the team, many of them were physically strong and did not meet the standard of "retired".

The dignified general was blocked in the camp by his subordinates just like that.

Doesn't Cao Hong feel ashamed?

No, Cao Hong didn't feel that way, he couldn't even get angry, only a deep, sympathetic sadness.

He immediately reported to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao actually suppressed the headache, and almost performed a "sit up in a dying illness".

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