The defense of Dongzhou County has been entrusted to Ding Feng and Zangba. Gan Ning and Ma Chao rushed back overnight to participate in the Central Plains War.

"Xingba has worked hard."

"Serving the Lord, how hard it is!"

"Tonight, let's celebrate for you!"

Gan Ning and Ma Chao both bowed together.

In any case, the two generals are both heroes of pioneering the territory.

Moreover, in order to reduce Cao Cao's vigilance, Gan Ning was "defeated" many times, and it is time to rectify his name.

In the main hall, the core figures of Yangzhou gradually gathered.

There is a clear distinction between the two sides. The east seats are Guo Jia, Lu Su, Xu Shu, Xun You and other important ministers, and the next ones are Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu...

The teachers are generals such as Dian Wei, Lu Bu, Xu Chu, Gan Ning, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, etc. The next level is Chen Dao, Lu Meng and other rookies.

Not long after, with the announcement of "My lord has arrived", Liu Ke quickly came to the main hall and sat in the head seat.

Seeing this, the civil servants and generals in the palace stood up and saluted one after another, giving Liu Ke the highest respect.

"You are exempt."

Liu Ke's face was rosy, and he waved his hand to signal everyone in the hall to take their seats.

"Don't worry about the red tape, tonight is a celebration banquet, and it's also a practice before the expedition!"

The recipes of civil and military officials are different. On the civil service side, they are all very delicate dishes with small portions.

On the military officer's side, he directly chooses meat-based dishes such as roast suckling pig and roast whole lamb.

However, whether it is civil servants or generals, they cannot do without good wine.

Therefore, wine is the most important thing, and Liu Ke is also very generous, ordering his subordinates to move the altar into the hall.

As the music sounded, groups of dancers performed songs and dances in the hall, which made everyone feel extremely happy.

Liu Ke stood up, spoke aloud, and then commended the Gan Ning Chishui Army and the Bohai Fleet for their outstanding performance. It was because of their life-threatening struggle that Dongzhou County was established.

"In this war, there are countless meritorious men who have made great achievements, and they should be rewarded!"

After saying this, Wang Can took Liu Ke's words and began to read out the rewards.

The rewards came down one after another, and everyone blushed when they heard it, and they wished they could take up their swords and go to the battlefield.

"Whether you are a tiger or a lamb, you must run; whether you are a general or a soldier, you must fight."

"Gai Wenming's main plan is to control change by danger, and loyal ministers worry that it will be difficult to establish power. Therefore, there are extraordinary people, and then extraordinary things; also."

"Let me settle this troubled world!"

Everyone stood up and cheered.

The next day, the sound of the horn resounded throughout Dongyang City.

woo woo woo woo--

This is the order to assemble the army.



Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao and other generals saluted one after another. They drank a lot of wine last night, but now they are all in high spirits, as if they are not hungover.

Liu Ke rode on the Consonance Mochizuki, full of vigor.

"[-] Yangzhou troops, passing through Xuzhou, sent troops to Yanzhou!"

"The last general takes orders!"

"Go, dispatch the soldiers and horses!"

Only then did the generals disperse and command the troops to advance in an orderly manner.

"Teacher, please let the students follow around this time!" Zhou Buxince immediately said.

After one experience, Zhou Buyi has grown a lot, and Gan Ning often praised him in the battle reports.

"Follow Feng Xiao and Kong Ming well, and don't cause trouble." Liu Ke urged.

Zhou Buyi wanted to argue a few words, but being smart, he quickly dismissed the idea.

This is the army, and Liu Ke is the supreme commander of the army, and he says what he says.

"Haha, I happen to be short of a little book boy to run errands by my side." Zhuge Liang laughed loudly.

Zhou Buyi suddenly exploded in anger, the little Kong Ming dared to rebel?

Liu Ke couldn't help laughing watching from the side.

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's talk about business." Guo Jia said solemnly, "Cao Cao has gathered nearly [-] soldiers in Bingzhou, [-] in Yanzhou, [-] in Yingchuan County, and more than [-] soldiers in Luoyang."

"Zilong took Huguan and threatened Bingzhou, which is Cao Cao's heart disease."

"We took this opportunity to attack Yanzhou and drive Xiahou Dun back to Sishui Pass."

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