Yu Jin revealed a pair of eyes and cursed.


Another arrow shot out.


Yu Jin's head buzzed suddenly, and his helmet flew out.

Seeing that he missed the target, Huang Zhong secretly said it was a pity.

"My lord, the general failed to make meritorious deeds, please punish him!"

"The old general doesn't need to blame himself."

Huang Zhong came out and shouted loudly to the city:

"Yu Jin, do you dare to show your head?"

At this time, he didn't draw the bow, because he knew that Yu Jin would not be fooled.

That blow almost killed him.

Hearing this, Yu Feng blushed furiously and shouted angrily:

"Siege the city if you have the seed!"

I can only hear his voice, but not see his people.

"as you wish!"

Liu Ke replied, regardless of whether Yu Jin heard it or not.

"Feng Xian led [-] troops to attack the left wall, and Elai led [-] troops to attack the right wall."

With firmness in Liu Ke's eyes, he waved his hand violently.

"Beat the drum! Let the defenders in the city experience the courage of our Yangzhou army!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of drums and shouts intertwined.

When Yu Jin heard it, his liver and gallbladder were about to burst.Yu Jin was so unbearable, let alone the ordinary soldiers next to him.

From the east gate of Dingtao County, there was the sound of rumbling war drums.

Liu Ke's [-] Yangzhou Pioneers are lined up neatly.

And the first team responsible for the siege, a total of [-] people, was already ready.

"Pass my order! Siege the city!"

Following Liu Ke's order, the horn sounded "woo woo" in the array.

Immediately, the phalanx of ten thousand people at the forefront, carrying a ladder on their backs, slowly moved towards Dingtao County.

"Everyone, don't panic, and don't be afraid!!"

Yu Jin quickly stood up to stabilize morale, and shouted: "The Yangzhou army has no siege equipment, only a few ladders, will we be afraid?"

"Brothers, do you think we will be afraid?"

No one answered because they were shivering.

Seeing this, Yu Jin became furious from embarrassment, his subordinates were too disappointing!


He raised his hand and shouted: "Crossbowmen and archers are ready. I want you to open your eyes and see clearly. The Yangzhou army is also a bastard. They will be shot and blood will be seen!"

When giving the order, Yu Jin glanced at his subordinates with a little anxiety.

They held crossbows and their faces were a little pale.

"Listen to my orders and shoot the arrows!"

Yu Jin roared heart-piercingly.


The arrow was released, but the effect was worrying.

Some people shoot arrows almost with their eyes closed. If they meet the Yellow Turban Army, it doesn't matter.

However, the armor of the Yangzhou Army was tough, and there was only a clanging sound when they fired a round. Occasionally, a few unlucky ones were injured by arrows.

"..." Yu Jin opened his mouth. In the end, he endured his anger and depression, showed a cold smile, and ordered, "Let the arrow!"

Another wave of arrow rain fell.

Yu Jin's heart immediately became cold, and two waves of shots fell, but failed to cause the greatest damage to the Yangzhou army under the city.

Crossbows, bows and arrows are sharp weapons for defending the city. Now that Yu Jin has lost his greatest support, how can the city be defended?

Not only that, Liu Ke also ran to the front to induce surrender.

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