The big knife in Dong Heng's hand quickly blocked it. If he didn't block it in time, his shoulders and upper body might be split open.

Even if he blocked the fall of Dianwei's saber, Dong Heng's shoulder exploded with blood.

With a muffled grunt, he swung Dianwei's saber away, without saying a word, pulled his horse back.

Dian Wei didn't pursue, but stopped quietly, like a god descending to earth.

If he was close to the city wall, the crossbowman would definitely not be polite to him, this distance was just right.

"Dian Wei is here, who dares to fight me?!"

"We are the foster brother of King Dongyang, don't you have any idea?"

This is Dian Wei's natural advantage, respected status!

The world is so big, there is always hope to become famous, what better way than beheading Dian Wei?

As a result, many people who don't know how to live or die will come out to fight. Dian Weiyi is a bold man who is not afraid at all, but can kill to his heart's content.

Seeing Dong Heng fleeing back in despair, the defenders were stunned, they were evenly matched just now...

It was Xia Houlian who reacted first.

"That's all!"

He commented so, very contemptuously.After all, his reputation was finally preserved.

The Yangzhou army shouted loudly, drums and horns continued, and the morale of the defenders plummeted immediately.

"Brother, Dong Heng's return from the battle has ruined the morale of our army, and he should be punished!" Xia Houlian said indignantly.

At first he wanted to say "Dang Zhan", but later he found that everyone's expressions were not right, so he immediately changed his words.

After Dong Heng came back, his huge body knelt down and made a plop.

"Please punish the general!"

"What's the crime?" Xiahou Dun helped Dong Heng up, and it was already commendable to be able to last dozens of rounds under Dian Wei's hands.

Dong Heng has the qualifications of a general!

If you train well in the future, you might be able to persist for a hundred rounds.

"Brother, the rewards and punishments are unknown, how to convince the soldiers?" Xia Houlian said in a low voice.

Coincidentally, Pound who was on the side also heard it. For the sake of his subordinates, he had no choice but to fight.

"The end will fight!"

"General Pang, don't worry about it, I, Xiahou Yuanrang, am definitely not a small-minded person!"

"The end will fight!"

Pound had already made up his mind and spoke again.

Xiahou Dun felt Pound's high fighting spirit and was very satisfied, moved and shocked.

It was as if there was some force urging Pound to move forward.

"Okay! If this battle is a tie, advance to one level; if you win, you will be promoted to three levels in a row!" Xiahou Dun promised.

Xia Houlian panicked, and called out suicidally: "Brother..."

"Enough! Those who are able come first!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiahoudun knew that Pang De was not inferior to him in force, and he was a good player.

In the field, only Pang De could barely fight Dian Wei.

Therefore, Xiahou Dun desperately hoped that Pound could make a move.

"The last general invites you to fight!" A general said loudly, but it was a pity that Xiahou Dun pretended not to hear it.

In case of being cut across the board again, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

"Who is going to fight?" Xiahou Dun roared again, his eyes still fixed on Pound.

The reason why Xiahou Dun didn't call the names was that he wanted Pang De to take the initiative to stand up and save some face for Pound.

Otherwise, if he is unwilling to fight, what should he do if he releases the water.

At this moment, everyone knew what Xiahou Dun was thinking, and all looked at Pound.

"Pang De, don't be shameless!" Xia Houlian stood up and said.

What is the identity of his brother Xiahou Dun?

Calling a young general, he still likes to ignore him.

"Shut up!" Xiahou Dun scolded.

"Brother, you can't get used to this kind of person, why don't you just roll your name?" Xia Houlian said carelessly.

Pang De was forced to do nothing, he cupped his fists and said, "My deputy, Dong Heng, is quite courageous."

"What, big brother asked you to fight, but you are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

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