"Dian Wei is here, who dares to fight me?!"

"We are the foster brother of King Dongyang, don't you have any idea?"

This is Dian Wei's natural advantage, respected status!

The world is so big, there is always hope to become famous, what better way than beheading Dian Wei?

As a result, many people who don't know how to live or die will come out to fight. Dian Weiyi is a bold man who is not afraid at all, but can kill to his heart's content.

Seeing Dong Heng fleeing back in despair, the defenders were stunned, they were evenly matched just now...

It was Xia Houlian who reacted first.

"That's all!"

He commented so, very contemptuously.After all, his reputation was finally preserved.

The Yangzhou army shouted loudly, drums and horns continued, and the morale of the defenders plummeted immediately.

"Brother, Dong Heng's return from the battle has ruined the morale of our army, and he should be punished!" Xia Houlian said indignantly.

At first he wanted to say "Dang Zhan", but later he found that everyone's expressions were not right, so he immediately changed his words.

After Dong Heng came back, his huge body knelt down and made a plop.

"Please punish the general!"

"What's the crime?" Xiahou Dun helped Dong Heng up, and it was already commendable to be able to last dozens of rounds under Dian Wei's hands.

Dong Heng has the qualifications of a general!

If you train well in the future, you might be able to persist for a hundred rounds.

"Brother, the rewards and punishments are unknown, how to convince the soldiers?" Xia Houlian said in a low voice.

Coincidentally, Pound who was on the side also heard it. For the sake of his subordinates, he had no choice but to fight.

"The end will fight!"

"General Pang, don't worry about it, I, Xiahou Yuanrang, am definitely not a small-minded person!"

"The end will fight!"

Pound had already made up his mind and spoke again.

Xiahou Dun felt Pound's high fighting spirit and was very satisfied, moved and shocked.

It was as if there was some force urging Pound to move forward.

"Okay! If this battle is a tie, advance to one level; if you win, you will be promoted to three levels in a row!" Xiahou Dun promised.

Xia Houlian panicked, and called out suicidally: "Brother..."

"Enough! Those who are able come first!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Often, when Pound slashed with a few knives, his aura was very fierce and fierce. Ma Chao could always catch the opening, and with just one shot, he could seal Pound's attack and interrupt his aura.

Even find time to give Pound a moment.

Both of them are very familiar with each other's routines. When they were in Xiliang, they often practiced against each other.

But Ma Chao changed his environment, worked harder, and often got opportunities to hone his martial arts, so his martial arts improved to a higher level.

Pound couldn't do it anymore, Ma Chao had figured out all the moves, and he was already injured. .

Although they were all minor injuries, they had indeed been injured. If things went on like this, Pound would be the last to fall.


Ma Chao roared, and the spear shot out at a strange angle.

Seeing that Pound seemed to have been hit by Ma Chao, Cao Cao's army began to be shocked.

"Damn it! Is it still lost in the end?"

The two played against each other for more than a hundred rounds, but in the end Pang De still couldn't hold on, which made Xia Houlian very regretful.

Pound's strength, they finally realized that such a person is no match for Ma Chao, how can they fight?

Just wait for death.

Later, Xia Houlian noticed that Pound's face was livid, his fists were clenched, and his body was even trembling slightly. He didn't know whether it was fear or anger.

"Let's put the water on, is this? It's obvious that you can bite your teeth and make a knife."

As soon as these words were spoken, many people looked at Pound and observed his every move.

But there is still a certain distance between the two sides, and they don't see it clearly.

"Pang Lingming, get out the knife quickly! You stupid roe deer, what are you doing in a daze?"

Xia Houlian was so anxious that he jumped.

With this shot, Ma Chao had already shown mercy. If Pang De recklessly shot, Ma Chao would not show mercy.

"Ming Jin, let him withdraw." Xiahou Dun said helplessly.

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