It's fine if you're fighting the enemy, but it's nothing to kill some farmers.

Liu Ke couldn't help looking at Guan Hai, because he was the military commander of Kuaiji, so his opinion was also very important.

"The final general thinks that this plan is feasible! It's just about incorporating Shanyue, and please be more lenient with the conditions given by the lord." Guan Hai said.

Originally, Guan Hai was just worried that forcing them back again would cause the situation to be difficult to deal with.

Therefore, financial allocations are implicitly required to buy them with usury.

Although Liu Ke also wanted to do this, he couldn't use the money of taxpayers to subsidize Shanyue who violated them.

"The conditions can be a bit higher, but they have to be recovered in future taxes, you know?" Liu Ke urged.

Guan Hai couldn't figure it out for a while, but Zhang Zhao understood, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the lord's fair way.

With such a good protagonist, why would there still be people rebelling? I really can't figure it out.

After Liu Ke said that, he clearly affirmed Jia Xu's plan, so everyone didn't say anything.

Once and for all, who doesn't want to do it?

Moreover, this time Shanyue was defeated twice in a row, and his muscles and bones were injured. It was the best time to strike.

Therefore, Liu Ke ordered Zhang Zhaoguang to issue an announcement to recruit An Shanyue, and then asked Peng Qi to arrange familiar staff to come to each family.

In order to survive, Peng Qi did a great job. He basically knew everything and brought out hundreds of thousands of people.

It is hard to leave the homeland, Liu Ke knows, this is called courtesy first and soldiers later.

Liu Ke stayed in Kuaiji for two or three months, gathering Shanyue everywhere, and the team grew bigger and bigger.

However, most of Shanyue was still stubborn and finally angered Liu Ke.

Under the leadership of the guides, the army attacked the plowing fields, and the crops in every place were uprooted, even uprooted in front of them.

Of course, there was also resistance, and he just got up with a hoe.

These were not bad. When the whole tribe resisted, Lu Bu slaughtered two of them, both of which were small tribes with [-] to [-] people.

In this regard, Liu Ke only gave a few words of verbal lessons.

Finally, in April, the big mountain tribes couldn't stand it anymore, and they surrendered and walked out of the mountain one after another.

Some small tribes rely on hunting to survive.

Zhang Zhao, who was in charge of the population registration, had trembling fingers. In the county of Kuaiji alone, there were one million more people, twice the original residents of Kuaiji!

If it is handled well, it is a great achievement, if it is not handled well, the death may be lost.

For this reason, Liu Ke also held a lecture tour, the general content of which is: Everyone works hard and farms well, and there will be houses and land.

Yuzhang County is almost in the same situation, and large-scale development has been carried out one after another.

Fortunately, the food in Jiujiang County and Guangling County is sufficient and there is a continuous supply, otherwise many people will really starve to death.

After the most primitive and brutal first step, Jia Xu's poisonous plan turned into a good strategy for governing the country and the people.

Ten years of work!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Kuaiji and Yuzhang recruited nearly two million Shanyue people, Wu County and Danyang County also followed suit and recruited a group of Shanyue, but there were not many Shanyue in these two places, and the population growth was not much.

In this way, the population of Yangzhou skyrocketed to five million.With sweet potatoes and corn as two kinds of food, Liu Ke is not panic at all.

On the contrary, the prefects everywhere are too busy to touch the ground, and the population is too large to live in thatched huts all the time.Moreover, the fields are not enough to grow, and land reclamation has become a top priority.

As soon as Liu Ke returned to Dongyang, Lu Su came to complain.

"My lord, I can't approve any more, the treasury is about to run out of money."

If you don't know how expensive firewood is if you're not home, that's the truth.

Liu Ke saw that there were so many poor people in Kuaiji and Yuzhang counties, so he kept allocating funds.

Lu Su was forced, and Liu Ke signed it, and the document was finally handed over to him. Seeing that some of the family fortunes he had accumulated with great difficulty were all lost.

That mood can be imagined.

"They're all engaged in construction, how can we do without money!" Liu Ke said irresponsibly.

Lu Su couldn't help muttering that these investments would not be able to earn back without two years of taxes.

"I really don't have any money..."

"If you don't have the money to ask Zhao Yu, you should have some family background." Liu Ke said.

"But, didn't my lord separate the Liu family from the Yangzhou treasury?" Lu Su was puzzled.

"Will there be IOUs? When the treasury has money, just pay it back." Liu Ke said.

"Will it be too embarrassing?" Lu Su asked cautiously.

"Who dares to gossip when I rummaged from my left pocket to my right pocket?" Liu Ke said domineeringly.

Is it okay to spend your own money?

Not to mention IOUs.

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