Zhuge Liang and the others below looked at their words and felt that something was wrong, so they asked softly, "Your Majesty, what did Lu Zijing say in the letter?"


Hearing a bang, Liu Ke pressed the letter on the table and was furious; "Little Sun Ce, how dare you bully the orphan! When Daigu cleans up Cao Cao, you will be next!"

Everyone felt more and more that the matter was not simple, and they all started whispering, Liu Ke said again at this time.

"There's no need to guess. Sun Ce, taking advantage of his loneliness, even made peace with Cao Cao. He assembled an army of [-] sailors from Xiakou, captured Guangji first, and is now attacking Chaisang. If Xu Sheng hadn't defended himself, I'm afraid The entire Yuzhang is named Sun!"

When they first heard the news, everyone's faces changed drastically. Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said with a frown, "Your Majesty, in my opinion, since Cao Cao has joined forces with Sun Ce, Liu Bei must have made moves."

Guo Jia also said; "Kong Ming is right, Cao Cao will not only unite with one person, it must be a tripartite cooperation."

Liu Ke rubbed his forehead and asked, "In your opinion, what should Gu do now?"

Pang Tong sneered and said, "Your Majesty, isn't it the alliance of Cao, Sun and Liu forces? The big deal is fighting on three fronts, and three jumping clowns, what are you afraid of!"

Hearing what Pang Tong said, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia originally wanted to persuade Liu Ke to withdraw the army out of safety considerations, but seeing that Liu Ke seemed to be very satisfied with Pang Tong's opinion, they stopped talking.

Liu Ke said in a loud voice: "Shi Yuan's words are very in line with Gu's heart. Come here, go back and tell Lu Su, asking him to beat Sun Ce back to Jingzhou. Also, inform Chen Gong in Jiaozhou that if Liu Bei comes to commit a crime, he will also be punished." Give Gu a call back."

Picking up the sword on one shelf, Liu Ke said coldly; "I want to show the world that Gu is the most powerful existence in the world. Liu Bei, Sun Ce, and Cao Cao are all just defeated by Gu!"

After saying that, Liu Ke immediately summoned his officials and promoted him to be a general.

A few days ago, Lu Bu, Dian Wei, and Chen Dao captured five cities in Henan Yin respectively. Now apart from Xinzheng, which had fallen long ago, Henan Yin still has fifteen cities.

The sleeves were rolled up, and Liu Ke ordered, "Lv Bu listens."

"The end is here."

"I order you to lead an army of [-] to attack Pingxian, Pingyin, and Gucheng."

"The last general takes orders!"

"Dian Wei obeys orders!"

"The end is here."

"I order you to lead an army of [-] to attack Yanshi, Goushi, and Gong counties."

"The last general takes orders."

Later, Liu Ke sent someone to inform Lu Meng, who was standing still at Sishuiguan, to immediately march into the Hongnong group.He wants to turn Luoyang into an isolated city.

This is not over yet, Liu Ke continued; "Order Tai Shici in Xingyang to launch an offensive immediately!"

Zhuge Liang suggested at this time: "Your Majesty, it is better to send two generals, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, to lead the trapped camp across Yuzhou, attack Xinye and Fancheng in Jingzhou, and give Sun Ce a hard blow from the rear."

Liu Ke thought for a while, nodded and said, "What Kong Ming said is true, Zhang Liao Gaoshun, you two should act according to what Kong Ming said."

"Promise!" The two immediately took orders and ran for thousands of miles, which was Zhang Liao Gaoshun's favorite thing to do.


In Luoyang, in the imperial palace, today's son Liu Xie sat on the throne of the dragon chair with blank eyes, listening to the reports of his subjects silently.

"Your Majesty, the king of Chu, Liu Ke, has led an army of more than forty years to invade the capital of Sizhou, and has captured many cities in Yin, Henan. This is an act of treason and injustice. Please issue an order to condemn Liu Ke's actions!"

Ting Wei Zhong Yao said righteously.

However, Liu Xie on the dragon chair didn't seem to hear it, and was speechless.

Seeing this, Zhong Yao turned his attention to Wei Wei Huaxin who was at the side.

Hua Xin understood, stood up and said loudly, "Your Majesty, please make an order to condemn Liu Ke's treasonous behavior!"

"Hehehe, are you finished?" Suddenly, Liu Xie laughed.

All the ministers in the hall didn't know why, so they waited and watched.

Liu Xie immediately sneered and said, "After that, let me tell you that it's okay for you to order me to condemn the King of Chu. My jade seal is here. You have to make an order and get it yourself!"

As he said that, Liu Xie held up the jade seal on the imperial case with both hands, and signaled all the officials to come and get it by themselves.

All the ministers were terrified, and hurriedly shouted long live three times.

"I dare not wait, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Liu Xie glanced coldly at the group of officials below, sat back on the dragon chair, and said to himself; "Why don't you dare, why have you ever put this emperor in your eyes..."

Liu Xie's voice was not loud, but it shocked everyone present.

Hua Xin thought to himself, could it be that the Son of Heaven intends to let Chu Wang Liu Ke capture Luoyang, and it seems that he has to be warned.

Immediately, Hua Xin pointedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the King of Wei is already on his way back, and he will return to Luoyang in a short time. By then, His Majesty will be able to sit firmly on the throne, as safe as Mount Tai."

Liu Xie glanced at Hua Xin, then rolled her eyes in disdain.Hua Xin was Cao Cao's lackey, Liu Xie didn't understand the meaning of what he said, it was a warning to himself to be more honest, otherwise he would feel better when Cao Cao came back.

Thinking of this, Liu Xie was full of resentment, why is it that his majestic emperor was repeatedly threatened by his courtiers.

But Wei Wei Huaxin is in charge of the Imperial Army, it would be unwise to offend him head-on.Therefore, even though Liu Xie was angry in his heart, he resisted not having an attack, but turned around and left directly.

The officials in the palace left behind looked at each other, and had no choice but to disperse.

And Liu Xie, who left the hall, returned to the harem alone, and found his current queen, Cao Jie.

Cao Jie is Cao Cao's daughter, but she treats Liu Xie very well, and tries her best to maintain Liu Xie's majesty in many places.

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