Ling Tongtong gritted his teeth and shouted: "No retreat! Whoever retreats will die!"

Under the high-pressure order, the defenders barely advanced and blocked the city wall.

"Kill! Kill!"

As the sword swung, blood lines continued to rise into the sky.

Dozens of people from the trapped camp gathered together to form a small team and fought their way through.

Tuk Tuk!Tuk Tuk!

The defenders' swords can only be slashed on the shield, and the defense of the trapped camp is impenetrable.


With a loud cry, he fell into the camp and drew his sword to kill the defenders.

Rows of corpses fell down, and screams continued.

Seeing this scene, Ling Tong was furious.

"What a trapped camp! This will be life and death with you!"

The sound of fighting gradually overwhelmed Ling Tong's shouts.

"Go! Go!"

Dong Xi kept urging and ordered his subordinates to rush towards the city wall.

Attempt to use human life to defend the city!

"As long as we keep this wave, the siege troops will be exhausted, so you must persevere!"

Dong Xi didn't know how many times he said this sentence, but he had to deceive the soldiers again.

Otherwise, they without faith will definitely collapse completely.

The walls of the city are densely packed with fighting figures, and the blood is sprinkled down, forming a stream.

The corpses were piled on top of each other, one over the other, and even if there were still wounded who were still alive, they would be trampled to death.

dong dong!dong dong!

Even though the city walls were full of figures, Gao Shun still drove the soldiers to attack the city.

If you are trapped in the camp and can't even overcome this difficulty, are you still the best in the world? !

Gao Shun was the first general to follow Liu Ke, and his ability may not be enough to stand out.

But you can definitely fall into the camp!

The trapped camp rests on Gao Shun's belief and will to fight.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, they can always fight their way out.

What's more, the current enemy is nothing but a demoralized chicken and dog.

On the city wall, people are crowded, and only by fighting can they survive.


The screams of killing resounded throughout the world.

Gao Shun looked at this scene coldly, now is definitely not the time to be kind.

The battle lasted until evening, Zhang Liao had no choice but to call back Ming Jin.

When the gong sounded, both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

The defenders didn't even have the strength to pursue.

let's go!move!

I beg you!

"Hurry up! Move!"

Ling Tong's voice was hoarse, obviously he had worked very hard, but no one listened to him.

The defenders were exhausted.

The same is true for the siege troops. If it were not for the danger of their lives staying on the city wall, they might not be able to breathe their last breath.

Ling Tong lay powerlessly on the city wall, beating his chest and stamping his feet.

"What a pity! If you can still act at this time, you will definitely be able to kill hundreds of people!"

Both sides withdrew their troops.

The defenders of Wancheng began to despair, and the first day was so difficult!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Zhang Liao stepped up his offensive.

A city wall was directly covered with a catapult, and the broken stones fell rumblingly, like the sky falling apart.

When the throwing of stones stopped, Ling Tong hurriedly led his troops to patrol and rescue the wounded.

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