Several princes yelled for a while, not feeling at all how exaggerated their demands were, and some even continued to increase their demands.

For a while, the chief of the government, Shi, stopped talking nonsense, and looked at the group of princes with a sad face.

This group of people is probably about to die...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Didn't you see that the emperor didn't even give face to his father-in-law?How can you care about them?

"Okay! That's all, I'll go up and present it to His Majesty."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Pengcheng King Liu Ji grabbed the document written by Chang Shi, held it in his hand, knelt down and thanked Liu Xie on the palace gate: "Your Majesty, we have already sorted it out. Please take a look, Your Majesty!"

"Sorry, I have suddenly changed my mind now."

A sneer appeared on Liu Xie's face, and he said indifferently: "I'd better invite King Pengcheng to go down with His Royal Highness Chu to beg for life!"

"What... what do you mean?"

Pengcheng King Liu Ji's expression changed, and a wave of anger surged into his heart: "Your Majesty! You are not joking!"

"Open the gate of the palace and welcome the Yanzhou army into the city!"

Liu Xie turned his head and glanced at the soldiers and horses of the Yanzhou army rushing in from the Xizhi Gate through the inner court, waved his hand, and shouted loudly.

"I was ordered to suppress the thieves!"

All of a sudden, a tidy roar came from behind the palace gate.

As the small side doors on both sides of the palace gate opened, the soldiers and horses of the Yanzhou army, led by Xiao Linzi, rushed out of the palace gate one after another.

Each of the hundred steel-making spears held them in their hands, facing King Pengcheng and the others in front of them!

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

When King Pengcheng saw this scene, he felt like falling into an ice cave, screamed and got up to ask for mercy, but it was already too late.

Liu Xie's strategy of slowing down the army has worked, so he will no longer tolerate such people who commit chaos.


Liu Xie stood on the palace gate and shouted loudly, and the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time roared angrily.

"Kill kill kill!"

For a moment, the sound shook the roof tiles and roared loudly, startling the mob below and screaming incessantly.

"The army of the king of Chu has broken through the city of Chang'an!"


"Your Majesty, I'm just here to make up for it!"

The chaotic shouts immediately drowned out the exclamation of Pengcheng King Liu Ji, before he could get on the horse's head, the whisk in Xiao Linzi's hand swept away!

"Fire arrows for our family!"


The rainstorm of arrows smashed crazily at the mob gathered in front of the palace gate. It was only one round, and the remnant soldiers gathered in front of the palace gate screamed and fled away!

When the rain of arrows stopped, the soldiers and horses of the Yanzhou army got up immediately, lined up and rushed towards the mob with roars.

These days, the regular army is the regular army, and when we start a war, it's not a gang fight!

"I'm waiting to come down!"

Before the soldiers and horses of the Yanzhou Army rushed over aggressively, all the princes who were almost desperate fell to their knees and begged for mercy.

Just kidding, the Yanzhou Army soldiers and horses are really here, if they dare to resist, they will die!

If he had known this, he should have paid the business tax obediently like King Dongping, and now he might be happily hugging his wife and concubine at home.

Isn't it just five hundred taels for a building?

After a year, there will only be an extra tens of thousands of taels of silver.

But now, for these tens of thousands of taels of silver, they are fighting against the emperor, and they are losing their lives...

With these lords taking the lead, the rest of the mob naturally followed suit. They knelt down on the ground one after another, put down the weapons that were originally used for demonstrations, and begged for surrender.

In less than an hour, this farce-like remonstrance ended with King Pengcheng and his men obediently surrendering.

The scholar Sun Rui standing next to Liu Xie was stunned. Ever since Emperor Guangwu, the son of a big man, had he ever had such an impulse to take risks himself?

"It's all him, it's all him!"

Seeing the remonstrance ended in a farce, these dukes suddenly came to their senses and screamed, pointing at Pengcheng King Liu Ji and cursing angrily.

"Your Majesty! It's all this guy's gossip to confuse the crowd. If you want me to participate in this matter, I will not be guilty of waiting for those who don't know!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we didn't do anything, we didn't do anything!"

"I beg Your Majesty to be merciful, kill Liu Ji to thank the world, we are all bewitched!"

The angry curses of the princes seemed to be slapped on the face of Pengcheng King Liu Ji one by one.

The loyal ministers of the big Han who were still high-spirited and prepared to go on stage in person to force Liu Xie to sign the so-called Kuangzheng Society's booklet, at this moment, their faces became swollen and trembling from the accusations of their colleagues behind them.

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