Lu Meng used this to promote one thing, that is, the arrival of the Yangzhou army was not to siege the city, but to save the people of the Han Dynasty!

Save the Han court that has been passed down for four hundred years!

The people of Jing Zhaoyin surrendered one after another.

At the beginning of the battle, in order to increase the cohesion of the army, Cao Cao did nothing less.

Desperately touch Liu Ke in the dark!

Liu is the most wicked person in the world, he is trying to usurp the throne!

His arrival will bring disaster to the court and Sili.

Even if Liu Ke wanted to argue, ordinary people wouldn't hear it.

The news is extremely blocked!

Now that Jing Zhaoyin has been captured, Liu Ke has finally cleared this up.

The army and the people did not commit any crimes!

If you can do this, you are already a Mingjun.

Not only that, Liu Ke also tacitly allowed Lu Meng and others to distribute food everywhere to buy people's hearts.

The common people don't need much, just one bite of food is enough.

Gathering the hearts of the people step by step in this way prepares for Liu Xie's abdication.

Lu Meng did a great job!

Liu Ke was very happy, and sent a letter of commendation to Jing Zhaoyin from afar.

Guo Jia has meritorious service.

Lu Meng has meritorious service.

Expansion of territory is not the only thing, what Liu Ke needs is long-term stability.

Yangzhou, Xuzhou and other places have become the economic and cultural centers of the Han Dynasty.

The status of Sili declined, and Henan Yin (where Luoyang was located) and Jing Zhaoyin (where Chang'an was located) were gradually forgotten.

However, the people in these two places belonged even more deeply to the great man.

They have lived under the imperial prestige for generations.

With Henan Yin and Jing Zhaoyin returning to their hearts, Liu Ke can better take over power from Liu Xie.

Lu Meng knew exactly this, so he didn't rush, but slowly figured it out.

Go to a county and do a show.

The scalps of the noble families and courtiers are numb!

They tried to stop it, but to no avail.

Liu Ke's prestige is beyond their reach.

They can only watch helplessly as the hearts of the people turn to Liu Ke.

Then, their heads fell to the ground.

There are always various conflicts between the common people and the local rich.

Normally, Lu Meng returned whatever they oppressed the people.

even intensified.

Of course, there are also some incorruptible people who are very friendly to the people.

For these people, Lu Meng will also visit and appease them.

Liu Ke's policy for the aristocratic family is always to win over a group, suppress a group, and gradually disintegrate.

The effect is not bad!

Although some new aristocratic families emerged, they all came under Liu Ke's rule with a brand new look.

Mental outlook must pass the test, right?

The decadent family that occupied the fertile land no longer exists.

Liu Ke's purpose is that the land belongs to the common people, and the wealth can be obtained by others.

When people have land, they have productivity.

They will be fed and clothed!

As for wealth, you need to fight for it yourself.

When everyone is fed and clothed, the peaceful and prosperous world that Liu Ke longs for will also come.

Jing Zhaoyin became a bloody and peaceful place!

Liu Xie enjoyed the short-lived power and became more and more crazy. Whoever Guo Jia asked him to kill, he would frantically target and order people to kill.

However, what really frightened Liu Xie was that no matter how many people he killed, there was no one who resisted desperately...

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